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Re: status of debian-np

Daniel Tygel wrote:

A question: is there any project trying to build a simplified
OpenOffice package suited for old machines?

Not that I am aware of, but an OOoLite has often been discussed on discuss@oo.o.

I'm really impressed by
the difference in resources consumption when we compare m$office and
OpenOffice. Why is that so? (this might be a stupid question... but
don't forget I'm an end-user).

OpenOffice.org will have native installers from 2.0 on, hopefully including .debs. Chris reported that he has succeeded with one of the developer builds (m56) on dev@installation.oo.o, see: http://installation.openoffice.org/servlets/BrowseList?list=dev&by=thread&from=511810.

Most of the activity occurs on http://lists.debian.org/debian-openoffice/

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Jacqueline McNally
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