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Re: Non-Session-Manager

On 06-03-2020 16:49, erich@ericheickmeyer.com wrote:
API compatible does not mean session compatible. It means that it
interacts with applications that are NSM ready. It's not meant to load
sessions from NSM. That's the misconception. I've heard the objections,
but unless the Non-* developers make their packages more compatible,
this is a no-go. RaySession is in Ubuntu and is part of the default
Ubuntu Studio install, and that's final.

This is a mistake, believe me. Raysession is bad for linuxaudio and that developer doesn't know what he is doing. The stupidest thing you could do it support that application as a multimedia distro. Sorry for the strong words. Been there done that, don't want to find myself in such a linuxaudio session mess again.

I absolutely can't imagine that NSM can't get it into Debian. I'm determined to proof if. Any help to help me proof it would be appreciated. ;)

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