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Re: Non-Session-Manager

Hi rosea,

I hate to say this, but you're probably going to get nothing but
complete silence on this one.

I have tried to package Non-Session-Manager, but the source code is
done in a way that is incompatible with Debian packaging. They don't
release source tarballs for their releases, which is what Debian
expects. Instead, they expect you to downlod the source, do a git
checkout for the release tag, and then compile it from there. 
Unfortunately, this includes the source code for non-mixer, non-
timeline, and non-sequencer, all of which have different release tags. 

Additionally, NTK (non toolkit) would have to be packaged separately as
a dependency, and would have to be in Debian prior to the packaging of
Non-Session-Manager. Unfortunately, NTK is also not released in a
tarball, and there are no build instructions for that.

In Ubuntu, I have packaged and included RaySession, which is completely
API compatible with NSM and uses Qt as opposed to NTK. You can see it
at https://launchpad.net/raysession. I recommend using it in
conjunction with Carla for same, if not better, functionality than NSM.

I hope you understand, but as far as packaging NSM, it is nearly
impossible in Debian. Any attempts I have made have taken more time and
energy than I am willing to dedicate to it, and I'm sure the Debian
Multimedia team would agree.

Thank you,
Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio


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