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Re: [FWD] Re: [Jackit-devel] parallel installs to die

>   JU> Can you wait until etch release please ? This will mean binaries
>   JU> compiled on sid will have a different SONAME requirements, so will no
>   JU> longer work on etch. Right ?
> No they will  still work, as the SONAME  is unchanged  with respect to
> the jack version in etch, it's still 0.0.23.

$ objdump -p /usr/lib/libjack.so |grep SON
  SONAME      libjack-0.100.0.so.0

> Why   that?  The libjack-dev package is    currently a virtual package
> (which at the moment is only provided by  libjack0.100.0-dev) , and in
> any case  a  package  should  better  depend  on  it  rather   that on
> libjack0.100.0-dev, unless there are specific reasons to do it.
> So I  think that bug report should  be  done in  any  case, to prevent
> having   to  change  build-dependencies   if libjack0.100.0-dev   gets
> updated, say to libjack0.102.20-dev.

When the -dev name is going to be bumped, we'll have to have a
coordinated transition; with potentially manual testing. It doesn't
have to happen now. We're going to have to do that anyway when
something changes in jack side.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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