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Re: [FWD] Re: [Jackit-devel] parallel installs to die


> I've doubled checked the  new packages, both on  amd64 and i386, and I
> confirm that   the work fine,  without breaking  other  packages (this
> 0.102.20  upstream release  was also included    in the recent  1.0 64
> Studio release, and no bug reports have come so far).
> So if  everybody is fine  with it I'm going  to upload the new package
> within this week.

Can you wait until etch release please ? This will mean binaries
compiled on sid will have a different SONAME requirements, so will no
longer work on etch. Right ?

> I'm  also thinking  to file bug  reports  against those  packages that
> build  depend on libjack0.100.0-dev, and which  should from now on use
> simply  libjack-dev,   although   a dummy  libjack0.100.0-dev  package
> depending on libjack-dev is still provide to avoid FTBFSs.

This is pretty disruptive, and does not contribute to general activity
of etch release.

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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