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Re: [FWD] Re: [Jackit-devel] parallel installs to die

Hi all,

I've a prepared a second revision  of the jack 0.102.20 release, which
I uploaded to experimental a while ago


This new    revision   drops the  patches    applied  to the  upstream
configure.in and   and hence fixes  #353680.   As the  Paul  Davis has
confirmed that the jack team will take care of  changing the so number
of the library  in case of  backward incompatibility (see below), I've
changed the name  of the libray packages as  well,  they're now called
libjack0 and libjack-dev.

In  case of library  transition the so number  will be increased so we
can  just rename   the new library   package something  like libjack1,
without breaking  the  packages  compiled with the   previous  library

I've commited the changes in SVN:


and tested the new  packages on amd64. Everything  seems to work fine,
and upgrades from the previous packages are possible through the dummy
packages I've added in debian/control.

If everything   is  fine for you  I'd   upload this  new   revision to
unstable (as Etch is now in freeze I think it's safe to do that).

Let me know, ciao!


  PD> they should just stop modifying the build process to include a library
  PD> version in front of the ".so..." suffix. the JACK configure/make files
  PD> do not do this - it was added by the debian packagers. the library
  PD> should be called libjack.so.X.Y.Z where X, Y and Z are defined by JACK,
  PD> not debian (current 0.0.23)
  PD> maintaining versioning is an issue for JACK developers, not packagers.
  PD> we will change the "libtool" library version when libjack changes in
  PD> incompatible ways.

|--==> free  writes:

  f> Hi Robert,
  >>On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 18:00 +0100, Robert Jordens wrote:
  >>>The original versioning scheme was decided upon by Junichi and me mainly
  >>>due to lines 40-42 in the configure.ac file. The policy was stressed
  >>>many times on the jack mailing list.
  >>The real reason for keeping the version in the package name was this:
  >>7 dnl ---
  >>8 dnl HOWTO: updating the JACK version number
  >>9 dnl
  >>10 dnl major version = ask on jackit-devel :)
  >>11 dnl minor version = incremented when any of the public or internal
  >>12 dnl                 interfaces are changed
  >>13 dnl micro version = incremented when implementation-only
  >>14 dnl                 changes are made
  >>15 dnl ---
  f> Thanks for the clarification. So, if I understand correctly, the reason
  f> for keeping the version in the package name (and in the library install
  f> directory) does not hold anymore, now that jack developers have taken
  f> responsability over possible changes, right?

  f> If so I think we could drop these patches:

  f> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/demudi/jack-audio-connection-kit/trunk/debian/patches/02_release-in-libjack-name.patch?op=file&rev=0&sc=0
  f> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/demudi/jack-audio-connection-kit/trunk/debian/patches/04_configure_in_jack_version.patch?op=file&rev=0&sc=0

  f> and rename the library packages accordingly, something like libjack0 and
  f> libjack-dev or libjack0-dev.

  f> What do you think?

  f> Ciao,

  f> Free

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