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Re: Adapting Debian to Music Making

>>>>> "emm" == Eduardo Marcel Macan <macan@debian.org> writes:

    emm> I tried looking first at what demudi had already done, but
    emm> their website and isos were not available, so I started my
    emm> own design using jack + apps + rt kernel.

As I said in another mail, we are preparing our 1.0 release, which is
not anything particularly advanced, though.

Can you elaborate on what your design is ?

    emm> If there are more developers wanting to create this
    emm> multimedia task force, I'm all for it.

I'm quite busy with AGNULA/DeMuDi, but as far as the packages I'm
preparing are concerned, I'm all for it.


Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso@agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager            http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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