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Re: Adapting Debian to Music Making

>>>>> "rj" == Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> writes:

    rj> On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 08:30, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
    >> Hello friends, I was invited by the Brazilian government to
    >> propose a design for a Music Studio using free software, being
    >> a debian developer and also a musicist wannabe I thought it
    >> would be a good push for myself towards doing something that
    >> debian could really benefit from.
    >> Is this a good forum to reach the other developers dealing with
    >> multimedia related software in debian? I see this is a very low
    >> volume list nowadays.
    >> We could benefit a lot from more communication between the
    >> devels dealing with multimedia related packages, specially by
    >> somehow heightening the integration between the applications we
    >> maintain, whenever we find an oportunity to do so.
    >> I'm sorry if I am missing something which is already happening
    >> in this area, since my motivation is really recent. If that's
    >> the case I'd like very much to join it. If it's not happening
    >> yet, I'd love to create it.

    rj> http://www.demudi.org/main/main.php3

The DeMuDi project has "folded" into the AGNULA project (this happend
one year ago, more or less): http://www.agnula.org/

Right now we are in the process of releasing a  1.0 version of DeMuDi,
which is a  Woody-based  distribution containing several   usefual (or
supposed so :) ) audio-related packages.

If you ask me, the 1.0 is just a tentative: it's called 1.0 for purely
contractual reasons, but it's still in very early development.

For the near future  I'm  planning  to  base  our  work on  a  freezed
snapshot of sarge (I have to count how many open  grave bugs are there
on sarge  today) and work  to make easier for  people to contribute to

As far as   communication goes..  I  completely  agree with   you.  As
AGNULA, our main problem  is that we have some  fixed deadlines and we
can't  "release  when  we  are  ready"   (although I would   like  to,
honestly).   The best solution  I've  found up to  now  is to put into
Debian the packages that we make for AGNULA/DeMuDi  (see my ITPs which
I Cc: to this mailing list).

I had a look  at metadistros, too, but  they don't seem very  concrete

Any suggestion is warmly welcome!


Andrea Glorioso                        andrea.glorioso@agnula.org
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager            http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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