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Re: Fw: [Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net (Re: Columbia Debian mirror

Yasuhiro Araki (ar@debian.org) wrote on 9 August 2010 11:57:
 >As you pointed out, I hope Carlos to modify httpd.conf to achieve following,
 > curl -H "Host: cdn.debian.net"
 >When Carlos modify it, I modify cdn.debian.net's health checking codes
 >to add "Host: cdn.debian.net".
 >I would like you to modify ftp.br.debian.org's ServerAlias in httpd.conf.

As I said in the other msg., cdn would be more effective if it could
probe mirrors without intervention of the admins, because it'd see
more mirrors available.

Anyway, that's easy enough so I've done it:

% curl -H "Host: cdn.debian.net"
Mon Aug  9 08:35:14 UTC 2010
Using dak v1
Running on host: franck.debian.org
Archive serial: 2010080902

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