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Re: Fw: [Debconf-discuss] cdn.debian.net (Re: Columbia Debian mirror


Your understand is seems right.

And I mis-understand.
If cdn.debian.net returns CNAME entry for ftp.br.debian.org, anybody
can not get right content.

As you pointed out, I hope Carlos to modify httpd.conf to achieve following,
 curl -H "Host: cdn.debian.net"

When Carlos modify it, I modify cdn.debian.net's health checking codes
to add "Host: cdn.debian.net".

I would like you to modify ftp.br.debian.org's ServerAlias in httpd.conf.

 at 11:13 AM,  <mirror-maintainer@mirror.averse.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2010, Yasuhiro Araki wrote:
>>> I suggest cdn uses the addresses given by the mirror administrators,
>>> at least for those in the official mirror list. It's probably the
>>> safest method.
>> Right.
>> However, it requires collaboration with each mirror administrators.
>> Current cdn.debian.net uses debian mirrors without collaboration.
>> If "ftp.br.debian.org" apache server uses mod_rewrite to process
>> ""; -> "http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/";,
>> current cdn.debian.net can use it.

ARAKI Yasuhiro

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