debian-mips Oct 2006 by subject
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[Help] Please compile clustalw on architectures ia64, mips, mipsel, s390 and m68k
All over the forest, their way it seemed to whatsoever,
Bitte bestaetigen Sie das Abbestellen der Mailingliste: Instock Daily
blender FTBFS problems on mips{,el}: please help
boost binaries are missing on powerpc, mips, mipsel and m68k (was Re: ICU transition status)
Re: Bug#387498: Unable to reproduce - mips/mipsel? 2.4/2.6 kernel difference?
Re: Bug#388399: FTBFS problems on alpha, mips[el]: Please help debugging
Cobalt XTR
D-I RC1 - release planning - soft freeze for changes in SVN
Debian Installer - Call for testing *this week*
Debian on ASUS WL-500G / OpenWRT compatible hardware
Do something about it was not forget for the same as she took it
NMU for contrib package
Paneld conifguration
Please Give Back mozart-gtk (due to bad emacs dependency)
Retry mozart-gtk package on mips[el]
Unstable repo + lighttpd
The last update was on 22:02 GMT Tue Jun 25. There are 34 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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