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Re: RFS: teeworlds

2008/4/15, Jack Coulter <jscinoz@gmail.com>:
> After having a heated debate with matricks and another developer void_ on
> the teeworlds IRC channel, they are unwilling to change/remove point 4, but
> brought up (as it has been here) that there are already packages in main
> with similar clauses.

In general I try to avoid heated discussions with stubborn upstreams
that have no clue about licenses but won't even listen. It gets

The 4th point is simply totally stupid and useless, but I think it's
no harm. Ftpmasters and most of the people in d-legal seem to consider
it DFSG free, so just go ahead and package it :)

>  As other people mentioned here, it is *technically* DFSG compliant, and
> really all this debate has just been about semantics, and I'd avoid bringing
> it up again with the copyright holder (matricks) as he stated, he's spent
> more time arguing license semantics than developing the game, and threatened
> to close source it.

Some upstreams are just plainly stupid about these kind of
discussions. You simply tell them that the license has flaws and it's
like you were insulting their families or something like that. "Now I
get angry and I won't breath anymore". It's simply too childish. I had
this kind of discussions with upstreams a couple of times and it's not
worth it, if upstream just consider them so perfect that they won't
even listen to your reasons, and start threatening you with stupid
silly things, they won't act mature whatever you might do, so don't
waste your energies there.

>  As it stands, I see no reason for this package not to be included in main,
> referring to:
>  "I still don't feel that it's DFSG-free, but if there are already
>  packages in the archive with similar clauses, ftpmasters will probably
>  consider it DFSG-free. It's OK for me, I don't consider it such a
>  serious issue as to arguing its inclusion in main, I was just curious
>  about whether it was considered free enough or not."
>  and
>  "Talked to Jörg Jaspert about that (you need to do something during work
>  time, don't you?), and this clause is indeed free (since it's so
>  ridiculous easy to circumvent^W fullfill).  So for the sake of gaming,
>  bundle it with any kind of script, and be done with it."
>  If there are any other issues, please email me back.

Of course, as it has been mentioned, if you want to collaboratively
maintain this game, you're welcome to join the Debian Games Team.


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