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Re: libdbi upload still missing leading to broken libapache-mod-log-sql (was: automatically parseable debian/copyright)

Paul Wise wrote:
> when I return from VAC.

Arrrrrrggg (dying)...

So libapache-mod-log-sql is uploaded with a dependency to libdbi >=
0.8.2, and libdbi is not uploaded yet (because of that copyright problem)...

If another DD sees this message, would it be possible to upload by
libdbi and libdbi-drivers before I receive a 3rd bug report on my
libapache-mod-log-sql package? Here are the DSC links:


They have been reviewed by Paul Wise already (so I believe that there
are no more modification to be done), and were rejected once by the FTP
masters, because my copyright files were wrong, and because of a GFDL
license problem (I didn't know if there was some invariant sections in
the doc, which is in fact not the case, as I discussed with upstream). I
rewrote the copyright files of both packages, and I admit that it really
make sense for a package like libdbi (which has many different licenses

I would really appreciate if any of you could upload the 2 packages to
the archive, please consider!

Anyway, thanks to Paul Wise for his work and others that gave me
meaningful advices on IRC.

Thomas Goirand

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