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Re: List of (un)sponsored packages on Mentors (approximate)

Christoph Haas <haas@debian.org> writes:

>> Perhaps someone could motivate siretart to adapt REVU
>> (revu.tauware.de) features to mentors.d.n code and Debian? I seem to
>> have seen a video or read somewhere that he intended to do something
>> like this.
> I'm about to refactor m.d.n anyway (as I do every to years for the sheer
> boredom). 

Wow. Well, the plan was to refacture REVU as well, so perhaps we could
coordinate/merge the ideas of REVU here?

> So if anyone could tell me what features REVU has that m.d.n is lacking
> then I'll consider adding them in the next release.

The main motivation of programming REVU was to get rid of using a wiki
for reviewing packages. (no shit, in ubuntu, we used a terribly long
wiki site for exchanging comments about the package).

What users of revu like (I think) is the possibility to directly comment
on the upload. You get instant feedback from the reviewers what still
need to be done on the package.

What reviwers of revu like is that you can directly see the source of
the package, can verify things like debian/copyright and debian/rules
online, can look at buildlogs and lintian/linda reports and so on. This
way you can check the things which are very often done wrong by
beginners before you download the package and have a closer look.

You can read more on how REVU is supposed to work here:

As for development, I've been contacted by the LiMux project and from
the debian games team who are both interested in trying out revu. I
remember some french ubuntu group, who are maintaining their own revu
instance (sorry, I forgot the link, it was in plain french anyway). I
could really need some help, since I'm currently rather busy with other
work :(

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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