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Re: Bug #23053 (was Re: fix for frozen)

James Troup <J.J.Troup@scm.brad.ac.uk> writes:

> Oh for FSCKS sake, will you cut that out already?  No one is asking
> you to stop developing your pride and joy.

I know that, and I wouldn't do it even if someone asked me. I might stop
packaging it if You (Debian) thought it was a violation to the Debian rules
or whatever, which I had problem believing. Now it turns out I misunderstood
'useradd' and 'adduser'...

> We're asking you to use
> some damn common sense.  There is an interface to
> /etc/{group,passwd,shadow} which is *more than adequate* for your
> needs.  Had you used it the issues of locking and incorrect ownership
> would be non-existent, as they deal with that for you and god knows
> what other issues besides.  They exist, and they are enough for
> adduseer.  Why are they not enough for you?  Why can you not use them?

Because I never heard of them... I'll fix this in the next release (slink),
or is it serious enough that I have to fix it for hamm?

Since I'm in error here (mistook useradd for adduser) I ask Jim and the
rest of you for forgiveness, I'm not a long time developer, and did not
know better (about this '{user|group}add'.

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