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Re: Bug #23053 (was Re: fix for frozen)

James Troup <J.J.Troup@scm.brad.ac.uk> writes:

> Please don't flame people who report *major* SNAFU's in your program.

Well... He didn't report it... I got the report a couple of days ago, I was working
on fixing the other bugs I have to, at the same time I was fixing this...

I'm still not quite sure why he wrote the letter in the first place, I told debian-mentor that
I have fixed the bug, but needed help with the actual uploading (help with the changelog that is).

> You entirely missed Jim's point.  /etc/shadow is owned by another
> package, therefore you should not be mucking with it.

If one should not go mucking with the file, how do one add/remove users then? How do you
do it? A special file INSTEAD of /etc/shadow?

> There are provided interfaces to /etc/shadow, kindly use them (or show why you
> can not).

Yes, this is such a interface. This is a administration program, one I wrote to
replace adduser, which seldom work for me, or my users/administrators.

If adduser is the only 'legal' way of changing the user/group databases, we are in big trouble!

> > 	Somehow I feel this code might not do proper locking
> > 	etc. Don't trust a multi-thousand user system on it..
> Quite.  Personally I wouldn't trust it on any system, especially if
> this is the author's attitude.

This wasn't the whole code/fix... I was hoping it wouldn't be necessary to include
the diff... Maybe I should?

(xAdmin is written in perl-tk at the time being, but I will rewrite it to use perl-gtk,
which is a lot faster, I have been experiencing a lot of 'speed problems'... And in perl,
this is the actual code that chown's a file... How else should I stop any edit of a file
to be owned by the user/group editing the file?)

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