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Re: [MoM] lefse migration to python 3

Hi Shayan,

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 09:19:42PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > $ run_lefse
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/bin/run_lefse", line 7, in <module>
> >     from lefse import *
> > ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lefse'
> > 
> > Is this normal expected behaviour
> No.  That's not normal.

Arrghhh!  It seems to be "normal" - at least its no regression. :-(

Here is what I did:

   sudo apt-get --download-only install lefse
   debdiff /var/cache/apt/archives/lefse_1.0.8-2_all.deb lefse_1.0.8-3_all.deb

This looked good - so we have installed everything as in the previous
Python2 based package.  How does the latter work?

   sudo apt-get install lefse
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/run_lefse", line 4, in <module>
    from lefse import *
ImportError: No module named lefse

So we have the perfectly same problem that simply nobody noticed before!
> > before I push? Why would run_lefse.py
> > and run_lefse differ when executed differently, assuming they are identical.
> Something is wrong with PYTHONPATH.  I'd suggest you push and I'll have
> a look.

Seems you were just not lucky with picking your target package which
simply did not worked in the first place.

This issue can be solved by simply installing lefse.py which I did in my
last commit.  Unfortunately this is not all.  You might blame the person
who is responsible for this package (which is ... uhhmmm, lalala) for
not testing properly at least the latest uploaded version.  This brings
up the need for a possibly extremely simple autopkgtest: Just running all
provided scripts.

Once the script was running I realised that some Build-Depends were
missing.  I now added debian/createmanpages to create manpages for each
script (+some manual editing).  That way at least each script was
running once.

Would you volunteer to write some autopkgtest - even if it would be
very simple to just call the script?

Background: I packaged lefse since it is needed for metabit[1] which I
started to package but failed to finalise.  Since I was running some
tests on metabit which is supposed to use lefse I simply assumed it
would work properly.  Obviously it is was not.  The non-zero user
base[2] (mind the green line for votes which means real usage) did not
minded to send a bug report.  The fact that we probably can not trust
our users to report bugs is something which is depressing me over and
over but I have no real clue what to do about it.

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/metabit
[2] https://qa.debian.org/popcon-graph.php?packages=lefse&show_installed=on&show_vote=on&want_legend=on&want_ticks=on&from_date=&to_date=&hlght_date=&date_fmt=%25Y-%25m&beenhere=1


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