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Re: [MoM] Outreachy 2016 application


First of all Sascha, thanks so much for your comments -- I managed to do the setup for schroot backend! Actually, I wonder why does the documentation suggest 'debci setup' for lxc if it doesn't work, but I guess this is the question for Debian mentors team.

One more (not urgent) question here. I tried to run
'adt-run --user debci --output-dir /tmp/output-dir SOURCEPACKAGE --- schroot debci-unstable-amd64'
and I got an error all the times:
"gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: signing failed: secret key not available
adt-run [02:26:18]: ERROR: unexpected error: apt-ftparchive or signature failed, code 2"

I manually generated gpg key, I checked it with gpg --list-key, I tried to add its ID to  ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf but nothing helped. Eventually I executed the command with sudo and it worked. Is 'sudo' really necessary or may I fix it somehow?

Andreas, thanks for the comments as well -- I changed ~/.gbp.conf and it works! Also I'm glad to hear that you are ready to wait for a while because of my study.
At the current stage I have learned to execute tests and I hope that I got the idea of how to create them. Currently I have a small working test for bwa, which checks that it outputs usage information.

Dear all, I have a bunch of questions and I would appreciate your help!
Here they are:

1. Do I understand correctly that for creating a test I have to create debian/tests folder, put bash script in it and to create debian/tests/control file. Are there any other actions required?

2. As far as I understand, from the test script I can call the tools being tested as if they are installed in /usr/bin/ or as if they have an alias in the system. Is it right?

3. In test scripts I notices some relative paths (like "for f in test/*.sh"). Do we always assume that the tests are executed from the exact directory? Is it "debian"?

4. Do I always need to rebuild the package if I want to change the test script? Is there a faster way to check changes?

5. In the artfastqgenerator package I saw the following: "cp -a /usr/share/doc/artfastqgenerator/examples/*" Does it mean that these examples are provided by from upstream and they will be placed in that directory while package installation?

6. Tests for axe-demultiplexer change my font and background colors to blue and black respectively. Is something wrong with my system settings or is it an expected behavior?

7. I ran test for eigensoft package (which checks that it prints usage info). It is marked as PASS, but stdout clearly says that it has an error: "error: eigenstrat do not print usage information". What's the matter? Why does it fail and why isn't this failure detected? (I guess the matter is in exit code -- it is alway equal to zero). Again, are my system settings incorrect or is it a common behavior?

8. I'm looking for the test data for bwa. How do I check the licence for a dataset? May I use the test data from the other package? (Say bowtie2 -- it has test data inside). May I put the data in debian/tests or do I need to use some other location?

9. I tried to build a package for bowtie2, but I got an error in the makefile. How may I find out whether it is a bug or some my mistake?


2016-02-23 1:50 GMT+03:00 Sascha Steinbiss <satta@tetrinetsucht.de>:
Hi Anna and Andreas,

>> I got the following error: "Error: container adt-sid-amd64 is not defined"
>> This <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=799760> discussion
>> looks relevant, but the executed command here is slightly different.
>> Do you have any ideas how to fix this issue? What am I doing wrong?
> Hmmmm, good question.  Its a long time ago thyt I used adt-run and I
> need to refresh my mind myself.  I would need some more time to check
> myself which I do not have currently.  I'd recommend you stick to a
> shell script that runs in your *local* machine for the moment.
> Or may be somebody else here on the list can help?

I think that 'debci setup’ only prepares a schroot environment to use as a testbed, so you need to use:

  $ adt-run --user debci foobar.changes --- schroot debci-sid-amd64

where I’m not completely sure about the name of the environment, it may be different for you.

LXC uses a different container format and you need to use a different command for building. For LXC I had to use ’act-build-lxc’, e.g.

  $ sudo adt-build-lxc debian sid

will build you a LXC container for sid.

> If not and you
> want to get this up and running before I'm back from vacation you have
> very good chances to ask this question on the mailing list
>   debian-mentors@lists.debian.org
> Just do not hesitate to ask there.

Seconded. They are usually quite responsive :)


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