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Re: dentist software

Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>> I'd like to stress how unique your position is, David. You should not spend too much
>> time on coding.
> I fully agree with that.
>> Rather help with some insightful guidance to specify the minimal complexity of a
>> system that could be considered useful. Publish that somewhere. Indicate what is
>> there, what needs to be changed and what needs to be addressed.
> That is certainly very useful.
>> I am fairly confident that there will be students in Medical Informatics
>> or elsewhere that
>> would be interested to adopt some work in the larger puzzle for their
>> bachelor thesis or
>> so.
> While that thought certainly seems logical you'd be surprised how little that approach
> seems to actually work in practice. Been there, done that, had/have the specs. Unless you
> are the professor of a medical IT dept. you don't get the chance to involve a significant
> amount of students for significant amount of times.
> Usually a professor's interest in a project lives only as long as funding flows.
> Usually a student's interest only spans the duration of a thesis or other assignment.
I can only agree here. I think the remedy to this problem is to split up
the work into smaller manageable pieces that are of greater interest to
the community because they can be shared. this all boils down to knowing
project/design politics. examples:

viewing pictures: done. can you extend existing programs?
special rendering: fork a library if possible, data visualization is
always in need
image filtering: used everywhere. fork a library
dicom server connectivity: need only be done once and right
managing dialogs and forms specific for a clinic: we have needed a
generic filemaker/msaccess replacement for a long time. make one that
can be embedded in special purpose programs. then most of the project
specific code left will just be data and form declarations

done right most parts will be outsourced and off everyones table for
good. if anyone else wants/need to start again they will have good
modular and maintained pieces to work with. I think the closer to the
user the more expensive the components will be so this work should be
designed away as much as possible.


Johan Henriksson
MSc Engineering
PhD student, Karolinska Institutet
http://mahogny.areta.org http://www.endrov.net

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