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Re: Wheezy update of roundcube?

Am 03.05.2016 um 18:37 schrieb Moritz Muehlenhoff:
> On Tue, May 03, 2016 at 06:28:03PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> The second best solution would be to backport either the 1.0.x branch or
>> your jessie-backport packages to Wheezy. Since you actively maintain
>> them, what do you think, how complex is the task to backport the
>> packages from jessie-backports to Wheezy?
> What's the point in updating a server package like roundcube in LTS
> to the version from LTS+1? I creates significant churn on the sysadmin's
> side, which is better spent on upgrading the entire VM/machine to LTS+1.
> Clearly not all packages are suitable for five years maintenance, so it's
> better to not paper over the systems, but rather make this explicit.

You should also take into consideration that Roundcube is a web
application and depending on the package in question and options
available, a backport is a reasonable solution, for the same reasons we
have backported other packages before. Also the whole point of LTS is
that you don't have to upgrade the entire system, especially if you run
multiple different PHP applications on the same server. The order of
options is still valid.



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