debian-l10n-russian Jun 2017 by thread
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- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-38{69,70}.wml Lev Lamberov
- Validation failed Debian Webmaster
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-387{1,2}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3873.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3874.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-387{5,6}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3877.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3878.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Re: Please translate: stretch dedication text Andrey Skvortsov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-38{79,80}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3881.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Перевод анонса о выпуске stretch Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-388{2,3}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3884.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3885.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{News/2017/20170618.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3886.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-388{7,8,9}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{users/edu/montessori-chemnitz.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://users/com/{dirwiz,dawan,fto-inde}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3890.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3891.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3892.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3893.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-389{4,5}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3896.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3897.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Исправления перевода apt -- прошу проверить Алексей Шилин
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3898.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3899.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-3900.wml} Lev Lamberov
The last update was on 07:25 GMT Thu Jun 06. There are 82 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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