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Re: 데비안 설치 프로그램 매뉴얼 번역

&uri-d-i;에서 세미콜론을 빼놓으셨고, "partitioning"을 "partioning"이라고
쓰신 부분을 고쳤습니다.  entity 이름이나 xref의 ID같은 경우 정확하게 쓰
셔야 합니다.

2005-04-13 (수), 16:26 +0900, Kwangwoo Lee 쓰시길:
> installation-howto.po 번역 했습니다.
> 파일이름은 installation-howto.ko.po로 바꿔서 작업했습니다.
> 번역된 메시지 46개

Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: installation-howto.xml\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-02-09 01:25+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-15 15:45+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Kwangwoo Lee <kwlee@dynamicroot.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <debian-l10n-korean@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: application/x-xml2pot; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: installation-howto.xml:5
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#. Tag: title
msgid "Installation Howto"
msgstr "μ꽕移˜ 諛⑸²•"

#: installation-howto.xml:7
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#. Tag: para
msgid "This document describes how to install &debian; &releasename; for the &arch-title; (<quote>&architecture;</quote>) with the new &d-i;. It is a quick walkthrough of the installation process which should contain all the information you will need for most installs. When more information can be useful, we will link to more detailed explanations in the <link linkend=\"debian_installation_guide\">&debian; Installation Guide</link>."
msgstr "μ씠 臾몄„쒕Š” μƒ덈‘쒖슫 &d-i;瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섏뿬 &arch-title; μ슜 &debian; &releasename; (<quote>&architecture;</quote>) 瑜Ό μ꽕移섑•섎Š” 諛⑸²뺤„ μ꽕紐낇빀λ‹덈떎. μ꽕移섑•섎Š” λ숈•ˆ ν•꾩š뷀•œ μ 뺣낫에 λŒ€ν•œ 媛꾨왂ν•œ μ꽕紐낆„ λ떞怨  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. 더 留롮€ μ 뺣낫媛€ ν•꾩š뷀•  λ•뚯— <link linkend=\"debian_installation_guide\">&debian; InstallationGuide</link> μ•덉˜ 더 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ꽕紐낃낵 μ뿰寃고•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:20
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#. Tag: title
msgid "Preliminaries"
msgstr "μ궗μ „ 以€鍮„"

#: installation-howto.xml:21
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msgid "<phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> The debian-installer is still in a beta state. </phrase> If you encounter bugs during your install, please refer to <xref linkend=\"submit-bug\"/> for instructions on how to report them. If you have questions which cannot be answered by this document, please direct them to the debian-boot mailing list (&email-debian-boot-list;) or ask on IRC (#debian-boot on the freenode network)."
msgstr "<phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> debian-installerλŠ” μ•꾩§ 踰좏ƒ€ μƒ곹ƒœ μž낅‹덈떎. </phrase> 留뚯씪 μ꽕移섏€‘ 踰꾧렇瑜Ό 蹂닿²뚮섎㈃, μ뼱λ뼸寃Œ 洹Έ 踰꾧렇瑜Ό μ•뚮젮μ빞ν•섎Š” 吏€ <xref linkend=\"submit-bug\"/>瑜Ό 李몄“ ν빐二쇱꽭μš”. μ씠 臾몄„쒖—먯„œ λ떟蹂€μ„ μ뼸吏€ 紐삵•œ 沅곴Έ덊•œ μ궗ν빆λ뱾은 debian-boot 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃 (&email-debian-boot-list;) μ—먭²Œ μ•뚮젮二쇨굅λ‚˜ IRC (freenode λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕의 #debian-boot 梨꾨„) 에 吏덈Цν빐二쇱꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:37
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#. Tag: title
msgid "Booting the installer"
msgstr "μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž μ‹쒖ž묓•섍린"

#: installation-howto.xml:38
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#. Tag: para
msgid "<phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> For some quick links to CD images, check out the <ulink url=\"&url-d-i;\"> &d-i; home page</ulink>. </phrase> The debian-cd team provides builds of CD images using &d-i; on the <ulink url=\"&url-debian-cd;\">Debian CD page</ulink>. For more information on where to get CDs, see <xref linkend=\"official-cdrom\"/>."
msgstr "<phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> CD μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾의 留곹겕λŠ” <ulink url=\"&url-d-i;\"> &d-i; ν™덊Ž섏씠吏€</ulink>瑜Ό 諛⑸Цν빐 蹂댁꽭μš”. </phrase> debian-cd νŒ€μ€ <ulink url=\"&url-debian-cd;\">λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ CD νŽ섏씠吏€</ulink>μ—먯„œ &d-i;瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•œ CD μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾을 μ 쒓났ν빀λ‹덈떎. CDλ뱾을 μ뼱λ”붿„œ μ뼸을 수 μž덈Š” 吏€μ— ν빐ν•œ 더 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ 뺣낫λŠ” <xref linkend=\"official-cdrom\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:48
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Some installation methods require other images than CD images. <phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> The <ulink url=\"&url-d-i;\">&d-i; home page</ulink> has links to other images. </phrase> <xref linkend=\"where-files\"/> explains how to find images on Debian mirrors."
msgstr "μ씪遺€ μ꽕移˜ 諛⑸²뺤—먮Š” CD μ씠誘몄§€ μ쇅의 λ떎瑜Έ μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾을 ν•꾩š붾‘œ ν빀λ‹덈떎. <phrase condition=\"unofficial-build\"> <ulink url=\"&url-d-i;\">&d-i; ν™덊Ž섏씠吏€</ulink>에 λ떎瑜Έ μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾의 留곹겕媛€ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. </phrase> <xref linkend=\"where-files\"/> λŠ” λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 誘몃윭μ—먯„œ μ뼱λ뼸寃Œ μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾을 李얠„ 수 μž덈Š” 吏€瑜Ό μ꽕紐낇빀λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:58
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#. Tag: para
msgid "The subsections below will give the details about which images you should get for each possible means of installation."
msgstr "λ떎음 μ꽮μ…섎뱾μ—먮Š” 媛곴°곸˜ 媛€λ뒫ν•œ μ꽕移˜ 諛⑸²뺣뱾을 μœ꾪빐 μ뼱λ뼡 μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾을 諛쏆•꾩빞 ν•섎Š” 吏€μ— λŒ€ν빐 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ꽕紐낆„ ν•  寃ƒ μž낅‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:66
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msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"

#: installation-howto.xml:68
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msgid "There are two different netinst CD images which can be used to install &releasename; with the &d-i;. These images are intended to boot from CD and install additional packages over a network, hence the name 'netinst'. The difference between the two images is that on the full netinst image the base packages are included, whereas you have to download these from the web if you are using the business card image. If you'd rather, you can get a full size CD image which will not need the network to install. You only need the first CD of the set."
msgstr "&d-i;濡œ &releasename;을 μ꽕移섑•  수 μž덈Š” 두 醫낅₯섏˜ netinst CD μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾μ씠 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ씠 μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾은 CD濡œ 遺€νŒ낇빐μ„œ 異붽°€ ν뙣ν궎吏€λ뱾을 λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕瑜Ό ν넻ν빐 μ꽕移섑•섍린 λ•뚮Ц에 'netinst' λ씪λŠ” μ씠由꾩„ 媛€吏묐‹덈떎. 두 μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾의 李⑥씠μ 먯€ ν•섎‚섎Š” 踰좎씠μ뒪 ν뙣ν궎吏€λ뱾μ씠 ν룷ν븿된 full netinst μ씠誘몄§€μ씠怨 , λ떎瑜Έ ν•섎‚섎Š” μ씠 ν뙣ν궎吏€λ뱾을 λ떎μ슫濡쒕“œ 諛쏆•꾩빞ν•섎Š” business card μ씠誘몄§€λ씪λŠ” 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. μ›먰•쒕떎硫΄ μ꽕移섏— λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕媛€ ν•꾩š붿—녿Š” full size CD μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό 諛쏆„ μˆ섎„ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ꽕移섏—먮Š” μ 꾩껜 μ꽭ν듃μ—먯„œ λ떒吏€ 泥« 踰덉㎏ CD留Œ ν•꾩š뷀•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:79
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Download whichever type you prefer and burn it to a CD. <phrase arch=\"i386\">To boot the CD, you may need to change your BIOS configuration, as explained in <xref linkend=\"bios-setup\"/>.</phrase> <phrase arch=\"powerpc\"> To boot a PowerMac from CD, press the <keycap>c</keycap> key while booting. See <xref linkend=\"boot-cd\"/> for other ways to boot from CD. </phrase>"
msgstr "μ„좏샇ν•섎Š” μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό λ궡λ젮 諛쏆•„ CD瑜Ό 援쎌뒿λ‹덈떎. <phrase arch=\"i386\">CD濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•섍린 μœ꾪빐 <xref linkend=\"bios-setup\"/>에 μ꽕紐낅œ λŒ€濡œ BIOS μ꽕μ 뺤„ 諛붽Ώ붿빞 ν•  μˆ섎„ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎.</phrase> <phrase arch=\"powerpc\"> 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” λ숈•ˆ <keycap>c</keycap> ν궎瑜Ό λˆ꾨Ⅴ硫΄ CDμ—먯„œ PowerMac을 遺€νŒ낇•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ떎瑜Έ 諛⑸²뺤쑝濡œ CDμ—먯„œ 遺€νŒ낇•섎젮硫΄ <xref linkend=\"boot-cd\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”. </phrase>"

#: installation-howto.xml:93
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#. Tag: title
msgid "Floppy"
msgstr "ν”뚮‘쒗뵾"

#: installation-howto.xml:94
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#. Tag: para
msgid "If you can't boot from CD, you can download floppy images to install Debian. You need the <filename>floppy/boot.img</filename>, the <filename>floppy/root.img</filename> and possibly one of the driver disks."
msgstr "留뚯씪 CD濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•  수 μ—녿떎硫΄, λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ μ꽕移섑•섍린μœ꾪빐 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾 μ씠誘몄§€λ뱾을 諛쏆„ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. ν•꾩š뷀•œ μ씠誘몃뱾은 <filename>floppy/boot.img</filename>, <filename>floppy/root.img</filename>μ씠怨 , λ뷀빐μ„œ λ“쒕씪μ씠踰„ λ”붿뒪ν겕媛€ ν•꾩š뷀•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:100
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msgid "The boot floppy is the one with <filename>boot.img</filename> on it. This floppy, when booted, will prompt you to insert a second floppy &mdash; use the one with <filename>root.img</filename> on it."
msgstr "遺€ν듃 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾λŠ” <filename>boot.img</filename>瑜Ό 媛€吏„ ν”뚮‘쒗뵾 μž낅‹덈떎. μ씠 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾λŠ” 遺€νŒ낅좊•Œ 두 踰덉㎏ ν”뚮‘쒗뵾 &mdash; <filename>root.img</filename>瑜Ό λ떞怨  μž덈Š” ν”뚮‘쒗뵾 &mdash;瑜Ό λ꽔μ쑝λ씪怨  ν빀λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:106
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msgid "If you're planning to install over the network, you will usually need the <filename>floppy/net-drivers.img</filename>, which contains additional drivers for many ethernet cards, and support for PCMCIA."
msgstr "λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕瑜Ό ν넻ν빐 μ꽕移섑•섎젮怨  ν•쒕떎硫΄, μ씪諛섏 곸쑝濡œ <filename>floppy/net-drivers.img</filename> 媛€ ν•꾩š뷀•  寃ƒ μž낅‹덈떎. μ씠 μ씠誘몄§€λŠ” 留롮€ μ씠λ붾꽬 移대“쒕뱾怨Ό PCMCIA瑜Ό 吏€μ›먰•섎Š” 異붽°€ λ“쒕씪μ씠踰꾨뱾을 λ떞怨  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:112
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#. Tag: para
msgid "If you have a CD, but cannot boot from it, then boot from floppies and use <filename>floppy/cd-drivers.img</filename> on a driver disk to complete the install using the CD."
msgstr "CD媛€ μž덉§€留Œ, 洹멸²껋쑝濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•  수 μ—녿Š” 寃쎌슦 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾λ뱾濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•œ λ뮘에 <filename>floppy/cd-drivers.img</filename>瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섏뿬 CD瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•œ μ꽕移섎? μˆ섑–됲•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:118
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msgid "Floppy disks are one of the least reliable media around, so be prepared for lots of bad disks (see <xref linkend=\"unreliable-floppies\"/>). Each <filename>.img</filename> file you downloaded goes on a single floppy; you can use the dd command to write it to /dev/fd0 or some other means (see <xref linkend=\"create-floppy\"/> for details). Since you'll have more than one floppy, it's a good idea to label them."
msgstr "ν”뚮‘쒗뵾 λ”붿뒪ν겕λ뱾은 媛€μ옣 μ‹좊ːν•  수 μ—녿Š” 誘몃”붿뼱λ뱾 以묒˜ ν•섎‚섏씠湲° λ•뚮Ц에 留롮€ 留앷°€吏„ λ”붿뒪ν겕λ뱾에 λŒ€ν•œ λŒ€鍮꾨? ν•섏꽭μš” (<xref linkend=\"unreliable-floppies\"/> 李멸³ ). λ떎μ슫濡쒕“쒗•œ <filename>.img</filename> νŒ뚯씪은 媛곴° ν•œ μ옣의 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾에 μ벐μ뿬吏묐‹덈떎; /dev/fd0 에 湲곕‘앺•섍린 μœ꾪빐 dd 紐낅졊을 μ궗μ슜ν•섍굅λ‚˜ λ떎瑜Έ 諛⑸²뺣뱾을 μ궗μ슜ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎 (μž먯꽭ν•œ λ궡μ슜은 <xref linkend=\"create-floppy\"/> 李멸³ ). ν•섎‚˜ μ씠μƒ곸˜ ν”뚮‘쒗뵾λ뱾을 媛€吏ˆ 寃껋씠湲° λ•뚮Ц에 μ씠由꾩„ μ뜥λ†볥Š” 寃껋씠 醫뗭뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:131
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#. Tag: title
msgid "USB memory stick"
msgstr "USB 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛"

#: installation-howto.xml:132
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#. Tag: para
msgid "It's also possible to install from removable USB storage devices. For example a USB keychain can make a handy Debian install medium that you can take with you anywhere."
msgstr "νƒ덉갑μ씠 媛€λ뒫ν•œ USB μ뒪ν†좊━吏€ μ옣移섎뱾濡œ 遺€ν꽣의 μ꽕移섎„ 媛€λ뒫 ν빀λ‹덈떎. μ˜덈? λ뱾μ뼱 USB keychain은 μ뼱λ”붿„쒕“  援ы•  수 μž덈Š” μ†먯돩μ슫 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ꽕移˜ 誘몃”붿뼱 μž낅‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:138
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#. Tag: para
msgid "The easiest way to prepare your USB memory stick is to download <filename>hd-media/boot.img.gz</filename>, and use gunzip to extract the 128 MB image from that file. Write this image directly to your memory stick, which must be at least 128 mb in size. Of course this will destroy anything already on the memory stick. Then mount the memory stick, which will now have a FAT filesystem on it. Next, download a Debian netinst CD image, and copy that file to the memory stick; any filename is ok as long as it ends in \".iso\"."
msgstr "USB 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛을 以€鍮꾪•섎Š” μ돩μ슫 諛⑸²뺤€ <filename>hd-media/boot.img.gz</filename>을 λ떎μ슫濡쒕“œ 諛쏆•„ μ•뺤Ά뺤„ ν’€μ뼱μ„œ 128 MB μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό 異붿Ά쒗•섎Š” 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 異붿Ά쒕œ μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό μ 곸뼱도 128 mb의 怨듦°€λ‚섏씠 μž덈Š” 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛에 吏곸 ‘ μ벐μ꽭μš”. μ씠 μž묒—낆€ 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛에 λ뱾μ뼱 μž덈Š” 湲곗〈의 λ궡μ슜을 λ뜮μ뼱 μ벝 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 洹Έ λ떎음 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛을 留덉슫ν듃 ν빐蹂대㈃, 洹Έ μœ꾩— FAT νŒ뚯씪μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ 媛€吏„ 寃껋„ μ•Œ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. 洹Έ λ떎음 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ netinst CD μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό λ떎μ슫濡쒕“œ 諛쏆•„ 洹Έ νŒ뚯씪을 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛에 蹂듭궗ν빀λ‹덈떎; \".iso\"濡œ λ앸‚섎Š” νŒ뚯씪μ씠λ씪硫΄ μ뼱느 νŒ뚯씪μ씠λ씪도 愿쒖갖μ뒿λ‹덈떎. "

#: installation-howto.xml:148
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msgid "There are other, more flexible ways to set up a memory stick to use the debian-installer, and it's possible to get it to work with smaller memory sticks. For details, see <xref linkend=\"boot-usb-files\"/>."
msgstr "debian-installer瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛을 留뚮“쒕Š” 醫€ 더 μœ좎뿰ν•œ 諛⑸²뺣뱾μ씠 μž덉쑝硫°, 더 μž묒€ 硫붾え由¬ μ뒪ν떛을 μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” 寃껊„ 媛€λ뒫 ν빀λ‹덈떎. μž먯꽭ν•œ λ궡μ슜은 <xref linkend=\"boot-usb-files\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”. "

#: installation-howto.xml:154
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Some BIOSes can boot USB storage directly, and some cannot. You may need to configure your BIOS to boot from a \"removable drive\" or even a \"USB-ZIP\" to get it to boot from the USB device. If it doesn't, you can boot from one floppy and use the USB stick for the rest of the install. For helpful hints and details, see <xref linkend=\"usb-boot\"/>."
msgstr "紐뉖ͺ‡ BIOSλ뱾은 USB μ €μ옣留ㅼ껜μ—먯„œ 吏곸 ‘ 遺€νŒ낇•  수 μž덉§€留Œ, 紐뉖ͺ뉗€ ν•섏§€ 紐삵빀λ‹덈떎. USB μ옣移섎‘œ 遺€νŒ낇•섍린 μœ꾪빐 \"removable drive\" λ˜먮Š” \"USB-ZIP\"μ쑝濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•섎꾨‘ BIOS μ꽕μ 뺤„ 諛붽Ώ붿<μ뼱μ빞 ν•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 吏곸 ‘ 遺€νŒ낇•섏§€ 紐삵•섎Š” 寃쎌슦 ν”뚮‘쒗뵾濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•섍³  λ‚섎㉧吏€ μ꽕移섍낵μ 뺤„ USB μ뒪ν떛을 μ궗μ슜ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ꾩›€μ씠λ섎Š” νž뚰듃와 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ꽕紐낆€ <xref linkend=\"usb-boot\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:162
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msgid "Booting Macintosh systems from USB storage devices involves manual use of Open Firmware. For directions, see <xref linkend=\"usb-boot\"/>."
msgstr "USB μ €μ옣留ㅼ껜瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν빐 留ㅽ궓ν†좎‹œ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖—먯„œ 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 寃껋€ Open Firmware의 μˆ섎™ 議곗ž묒„ ν•꾩š붾‘쒗빀λ‹덈떎. 諛⑸²뺤€ <xref linkend=\"usb-boot\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:171
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Booting from network"
msgstr "λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 遺€νŒ…"

#: installation-howto.xml:172
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#. Tag: para
msgid "It's also possible to boot &d-i; completely from the net. The various methods to netboot depend on your architecture and netboot setup. The files in <filename>netboot/</filename> can be used to netboot &d-i;."
msgstr "λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕濡œ 遺€ν꽣 &d-i;瑜Ό 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 寃ƒ μ뿭μ‹œ 媛€λ뒫ν빀λ‹덈떎. λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 遺€νŒ낆˜ λ떎μ–묓•œ 諛⑸²뺣뱾은 μ•꾪궎ν…띿²섏™€ netboot μ꽕μ 뺤— μ섏〈ν빀λ‹덈떎. <filename>netboot/</filename> νŒ뚯씪λ뱾μ씠 &d-i;瑜Ό λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” λ뜲 μ궗μ슜될 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:178
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msgid "The easiest thing to set up is probably PXE netbooting. Untar the file <filename>netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz</filename> into <filename>/var/lib/tftpboot</filename> or wherever is appropriate for your tftp server. Set up your DHCP server to pass filename <filename>/pxelinux.0</filename> to clients, and it with luck everything will just work. For detailed instructions, see"
msgstr "μ꽕μ 뺥•섍린 媛€μ옣 μ돩μ슫 寃껋€ PXE λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 遺€νŒ낆씪 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. <filename>netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz</filename> νŒ뚯씪을 <filename>/var/lib/tftpboot</filename> λ˜먮Š” tftp μ„쒕²꾨? μœ꾪•œ μ 곸 덊•œ μœ꾩Ή섏— ν’€μ뼱 λ†볦쑝μ꽭μš”. DHCP μ„쒕²꾧°€ <filename>/pxelinux.0</filename> νŒ뚯씪 μ씠由꾩„ ν겢λ씪μ씠μ뼵ν듃μ—먭²Œ λ„섍꺼以„ 수 μž덈꾨‘ μ꽕μ 뺥•섍³ , 紐⑤“  寃껋씠 잘 λ숈ž묓•섍린瑜Ό 諛붾씪硫° νŒ뚯씪 μ씠由꾩„ λ„섍꺼二쇱꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:192
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Booting from hard disk"
msgstr "ν•섎“œ λ”붿뒪ν겕 遺€νŒ…"

#: installation-howto.xml:193
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#. Tag: para
msgid "It's possible to boot the installer using no removable media, but just an existing hard disk, which can have a different OS on it. Download <filename>hd-media/initrd.gz</filename>, <filename>hd-media/vmlinuz</filename>, and a Debian CD image to the top-level directory of the hard disk. Make sure that the CD image has a filename ending in \".iso\". Now it's just a matter of booting linux with the initrd. <phrase arch=\"i386\"> <xref linkend=\"boot-initrd\"/> explains one way to do it. </phrase>"
msgstr "μ 쒓굅 媛€λ뒫ν•œ 誘몃”붿뼱媛€ μ•꾨‹Œ λ떎瑜Έ μ슫μ˜곸껜μ 쒕? 媛€吏€怨  μž덈Š” 湲곗〈의 ν•섎“쒕”붿뒪ν겕瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섏뿬 μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먮? 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 寃껋씠 媛€λ뒫ν빀λ‹덈떎. ν•섎“œ λ”붿뒪ν겕의 理쒖ƒ곸œ„ λ”붾 됲†좊━에 <filename>hd-media/initrd.gz</filename>, <filename>hd-media/vmlinuz</filename>, λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ CD μ씠誘몄§€瑜Ό λ떎μ슫濡쒕“œ 諛쏆쑝μ꽭μš”. ν빐λ떦 CD μ씠誘몄§€μ˜ νŒ뚯씪 μ씠由꾩씠 \".iso\"濡œ λ앸‚섎Š” 吏€ ν™뺤씤ν빀λ‹덈떎. μ씠제 initrd μ씠誘몄§€濡œ 由щˆ낆뒪瑜Ό 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 寃껋씠 以묒š뷀•œ 臾몄 œ μž낅‹덈떎. <phrase arch=\"i386\"> <xref linkend=\"boot-initrd\"/> λŠ” 洹Έ 諛⑸²뺤„ μ꽕紐낇빀λ‹덈떎. </phrase>"

#: installation-howto.xml:210
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "μ꽕移˜"

#: installation-howto.xml:211
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Once the installer starts, you will be greeted with an initial screen. Press &enterkey; to boot, or read the instructions for other boot methods and parameters (see <xref linkend=\"boot-parms\"/>). <phrase arch=\"i386\"> If you want a 2.6 kernel, type <userinput>linux26</userinput> at the <prompt>boot:</prompt> prompt. <footnote><para> The 2.6 kernel is available for most boot methods, but not when booting from a floppy. </para></footnote> </phrase>"
msgstr "μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먮? μ‹쒖ž묓•섎㈃ 珥덇린 ν™붾㈃을 蹂Ό 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. &enterkey;瑜Ό λˆ꾨Ⅴ嫄곕‚˜ λ떎瑜Έ 遺€ν듃 諛⑸²뺣뱾怨Ό νŒ뚮씪誘명꽣λ뱾 (<xref linkend=\"boot-parms\"/> 李몄“)을 μœ꾪•œ μ꽕紐낆„ μ씫μ뼱 蹂댁꽭μš”. <phrase arch=\"i386\"> 留뚯빟 2.6 而ㅻ„먯„ μ›먰•쒕떎硫΄, <prompt>boot:</prompt> ν”꾨\ν”꾪듃μ—먯„œ <userinput>linux26</userinput>을 μž낅젰ν•섏꽭μš”. <footnote><para> 2.6 而ㅻ„먯€ ν”뚮‘쒗뵾濡쒕Ά€ν꽣 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 寃껋„ μ 쒖쇅ν•œ λŒ€遺€遺꾩˜ 遺€ν듃 諛⑸²뺤—먯„œ μ궗μ슜媛€λ뒫 ν빀λ‹덈떎. </para></footnote> </phrase>"

#: installation-howto.xml:227
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#. Tag: para
msgid "After a while you will be asked to select your language. Use the arrow keys to pick a language and press &enterkey; to continue. Next you'll be asked to select your country, with the choices including countries where your language is spoken. If it's not on the short list, a list of all the countries in the world is available."
msgstr "μž좎‹œ ν›꾩— μ뼵μ뼱瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺•섎Š” 遺€遺꾩씠 蹂댁씪 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 諛⑺뼢ν궎瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섏뿬 μ뼵μ뼱瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺•섍³  &enterkey;瑜Ό λˆ뚮윭 怨꾩† 吏꾪–됲빀λ‹덈떎. λ떎μ뚯쑝濡œ λ떦μ‹좎˜ μ뼵μ뼱瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” 援?°€λ뱾에 λŒ€ν•œ 紐⑸‘앷낵 λ떦μ‹좎˜ 援?°€瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺•섎Š” 遺€遺꾩씠 蹂댁씪 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 留뚯씪 吏㏃€ 由ъ뒪ν듃에 λ‚섑ƒ€λ‚섏§€ μ•딅Š” λ떎硫΄ μ꽭怨꾩˜ 紐⑤“  援?°€λ뱾의 由ъ뒪ν듃μ—먯„œ μ„좏ƒ앺•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:235
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#. Tag: para
msgid "You may be asked to confirm your keyboard layout. Choose the default unless you know better."
msgstr "ν궎蹂대“œ μ꽕μ 뺤„ ν™뺤씤ν빀λ‹덈떎. 잘 μ•뚯§€ 紐삵•쒕떎硫΄ default瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺빀λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:240
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Now sit back while debian-installer detects some of your hardware, and loads the rest of itself from CD, floppy, USB, etc."
msgstr "μ씠제 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먭°€ ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱瑜Ό 寃€μ궗ν•섍³ , CD, ν”뚮‘쒗뵾, USB λ벑μ—먯„œ λ‚섎㉧吏€ 遺€遺꾩„ μ씫μ뼱λ뱾μ씠λŠ” λ숈•ˆ 湲곕떎由쎈‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:245
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Next the installer will try to detect your network hardware and set up networking by DHCP. If you are not on a network or do not have DHCP, you will be given the opportunity to configure the network manually."
msgstr "λ떎μ뚯쑝濡œ μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먮Š” λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱瑜Ό μ‹앸³꾪•섍³  DHCP瑜Ό ν넻ν빐 λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 μ꽕μ 뺤„ ν•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 留뚯씪 λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕에 μž덉§€ μ•딄굅λ‚˜ DHCP瑜Ό 媛€吏€吏€ μ•딆•섎떎硫΄, λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 μ꽕μ 뺤„ μˆ섎숈쑝濡œ ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:251
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Now it is time to partition your disks. First you will be given the opportunity to automatically partition either an entire drive, or free space on a drive. This is recommended for new users or anyone in a hurry, but if you do not want to autopartition, choose manual from the menu."
msgstr "λ”붿뒪ν겕瑜Ό νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ 蹂꾨‘œ λ‚섎ˆŒ 李⑤‘€μž낅‹덈떎. 癒쇱 € μ 꾩껜 λ”붿뒪ν겕 λ˜먮Š” λ“쒕씪μ씠釉뚯˜ λ궓은 怨듦°꾩„ μž먮숈쑝濡œ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린 ν•  수 μž덈꾨‘ 湲고š뚭°€ 二쇱뼱吏묐‹덈떎. μ씠 諛⑸²뺤€ μƒ덈‘쒖슫 μ궗μ슜μž먮‚˜ 諛붿œ μ궗μ슜μž먯—먭²Œ 異붿²쒕맗λ‹덈떎. 留뚯씪 μž먮™ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린瑜Ό μ›먰•섏§€ μ•딅Š” λ떎硫΄ 硫붾돱μ—먯„œ μˆ섎™(manual)을 μ„좏ƒ앺•섏꽭μš”. "

#: installation-howto.xml:258
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "If you have an existing DOS or Windows partition that you want to preserve, be very careful with automatic partitioning. If you choose manual partitioning, you can use the installer to resize existing FAT or NTFS partitions to create room for the Debian install: simply select the partition and specify its new size."
msgstr "留뚯씪 蹂댁〈ν•섍린瑜Ό μ›먰•섎Š” DOS λ˜먮Š” Windows νŒ뚰떚μ…섏씠 μž덈떎硫΄, μž먮™ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린에 留ㅼ슦 二쇱˜ ν•섏꽭μš”. μˆ섎™ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺•쒕떎硫΄, λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ μ꽕移섑•  怨듦°꾩„ 留뚮뱾湲곗œ꾪빐 μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먮? μ궗μ슜ν빐 湲곗〈의 FAT λ˜먮Š” NTFS νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ μ궗μ씠利덈? 議곗 뺥•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:265
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#. Tag: para
msgid "On the next screen you will see your partition table, how the partitions will be formatted, and where they will be mounted. Select a partition to modify or delete it. If you did automatic partitioning, you should just be able to choose \"Finished partitioning\" from the menu to use what it set up. Remember to assign at least one partition for swap space and to mount a partition on <filename>/</filename>. <xref linkend=\"partitioning\"/> has more information about partitioning."
msgstr "λ떎음 ν™붾㈃μ—먯„œ νŒ뚰떚μ…섎뱾μ씠 μ뼱λ뼸寃Œ λ‚섎‰섏뼱μ졇 μž덈Š” 吏€ μ뼱λ”붿— 留덉슫ν듃 λ섏뼱 μž덈Š” 吏€瑜Ό 蹂댁뿬二쇰Š” νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ ν…뚯씠釉붿„ 蹂Ό 寃ƒ μž낅‹덈떎. 蹂€寃쏀•섍굅λ‚˜ μ궘μ 쒗•  νŒ뚰떚μ…섏„ μ„좏ƒ앺빀λ‹덈떎. 留뚯씪 μž먮™ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린瑜Ό μ„좏ƒ앺–덈떎硫΄, μ꽕μ 뺣œ λŒ€濡œ μ궗μ슜ν•섍린 μœ꾪빐 硫붾돱μ—먯„œ λ떒吏€ \"Finished Partitioning\"을 μ„좏ƒ앺•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ 곸뼱도 ν•œ νŒ뚰떚μ…섏€ μ뒪μ™‘ 怨듦°꾩„ μœ꾪빐 ν•좊떦ν•섍³ , ν•œ νŒ뚰떚μ…섏€ <filename>/</filename>에 留덉슫ν듃 ν빐μ빞 ν•쒕떎λŠ” 寃껋„ μœ좊…먰•섏꽭μš”. <xref linkend=\"partitioning\"/>은 νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ λ‚섎ˆ꾧린에 λŒ€ν•œ 醫€ 더 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ 뺣낫瑜Ό 媛€吏€怨  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:275
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Now &d-i; formats your partitions and starts to install the base system, which can take a while. That is followed by installing a kernel."
msgstr "&d-i;λŠ” νŒ뚰떚μ…섏„ ν룷硫㏉•섍³  踰좎씠μ뒪 μ‹쒖뒪ν…œ μ꽕移섎? μ‹쒖ž묓빀λ‹덈떎. μ씠 怨쇱 뺤€ μ빟媛꾩˜ μ‹쒓°꾩씠 嫄몃┰λ‹덈떎. μ씠μ뼱μ„œ 而ㅻ„ μ꽕移섍°€ 怨꾩†띾맗λ‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:280
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#. Tag: para
msgid "The last step is to install a boot loader. If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know. <phrase arch=\"i386\">By default GRUB will be installed to the master boot record of the first harddrive, which is generally a good choice. You'll be given the opportunity to override that choice and install it elsewhere. </phrase>"
msgstr "留덉§€留‰ 怨쇱 뺤€ 遺€ν듃濡쒕붿˜ μ꽕移섏ž낅‹덈떎. 留뚯씪 μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먭°€ 而댄벂ν꽣μ—먯„œ λ떎瑜Έ μ슫μ˜곸껜μ 쒕? 諛쒓껄ν•쒕떎硫΄, 洹멸²껋„ 遺€ν듃硫붾돱에 異붽°€ν•섍³  μ•뚮젮以„ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. <phrase arch=\"i386\"> 湲곕낯μ쑝濡œ GRUB媛€ μ씪諛섏 곸쑝濡œ 醫뗭€ μœ꾩Ή섏씤 泥« 踰덉㎏ ν•섎“쒕”붿뒪ν겕의 留덉뒪ν꽣 遺€ν듃 λ 덉½붾“쒖— μ꽕移섎맗λ‹덈떎. 湲곕낯 μ꽕μ 뺤„ 諛붽씀嫄곕‚˜ λ떎瑜Έ 怨녹— μ꽕移˜ ν•  수 μž덈Š” 湲고š뚮? μ 쒓났ν빀λ‹덈떎. </phrase>"

#: installation-howto.xml:290
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#. Tag: para
msgid "&d-i; will now tell you that the installation has finished. Remove the cdrom or other boot media and hit &enterkey; to reboot your machine. It should boot up into the next stage of the install process, which is explained in <xref linkend=\"boot-new\"/>."
msgstr "&d-i;λŠ” μ꽕移섍낵μ 뺤씠 λ앸궗μ뚯„ λ떦μ‹좎—먭²Œ μ•뚮젮以„ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. cdrom λ˜먮Š” λ떎瑜Έ 遺€ν듃 誘몃”붿뼱瑜Ό μ 쒓굅ν•섍³  μ옱遺€νŒ낇•섍린 μœ꾪빐 &enterkey;瑜Ό λˆ꾨Ⅴμ꽭μš”. 洹몃윭硫΄ <xref linkend=\"boot-new\"/>에 μ꽕紐낅œ μ꽕移섍낵μ 뺤˜ λ떎음 μ뒪ν…뚯씠吏€濡œ λ„섏뼱媛ˆ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: installation-howto.xml:297
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#. Tag: para
msgid "If you need more information on the install process, see <xref linkend=\"d-i-intro\"/>."
msgstr "μ꽕移섍낵μ 뺤— λŒ€ν•œ 더 留롮€ μ 뺣낫媛€ ν•꾩š뷀•섎떎硫΄, <xref linkend=\"d-i-intro\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:306
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Send us an installation report"
msgstr "μ꽕移섏— λŒ€ν•œ 寃곌낵瑜Ό 蹂대궡二쇱꽭μš”"

#: installation-howto.xml:307
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#. Tag: para
msgid "If you successfully managed an installation with &d-i;, please take time to provide us with a report. There is a template named <filename>install-report.template</filename> in the <filename>/root</filename> directory of a freshly installed system. Please fill it out and file it as a bug against the package <classname>installation-reports</classname>, as explained in <xref linkend=\"submit-bug\"/>."
msgstr "&d-i;瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•섏뿬 μ꽕移섏— μ꽦怨듯–덈떎硫΄, 蹂닿³좎„쒕? μ 쒓났ν빐 二쇰Š” μ‹쒓°꾩€ λ궡二쇱꽭μš”. μƒ덈‘œ μ꽕移섎œ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ <filename>/root</filename> λ”붾 됲†좊━μ—먮Š” <filename>install-report.template</filename> ν…쒗”뚮┸μ씠 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ궡μ슜을 梨꾩›뚯„œ <xref linkend=\"submit-bug\"/>에 μ꽕紐낅œ λŒ€濡œ <classname>installation-reports</classname> ν뙣ν궎吏€μ— λŒ€ν•œ 踰꾧렇濡œ μ 쒖Ά쒗빐 二쇱꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:317
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "If you did not reach base-config or ran into other trouble, you probably found a bug in debian-installer. To improve the installer it is necessary that we know about them, so please take the time to report them. You can use an installation report to report problems; if the install completely fails, see <xref linkend=\"problem-report\"/>."
msgstr "留뚯씪 base-config에 λ꾨떖ν•섏§€ 紐삵–덇굅λ‚˜ λ떎瑜Έ 臾몄 쒓°€ 諛쒖ƒ앺–덈떎硫΄, λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먯˜ 踰꾧렇瑜Ό 諛쒓껄ν•œ 寃껋씪 寃곷‹덈떎. μ꽕移섍΄€由ъž먮? 媛쒖„좏•섍린μœ꾪빐 μ슦由щŠ” 洹멸²껊뱾에 λŒ€ν빐 μ•Œ ν•꾩š붽°€ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. 洹Έ μ궗μ떎λ뱾을 蹂닿³좏•  μ‹쒓°꾩„ λ궡二쇱꽭μš”. 臾몄 쒕? 蹂닿³좏•섍린μœ꾪빐 μ꽕移섎낫怨좎„œ(installation report)瑜Ό μ궗μ슜ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎; μ꽕移섍°€ μ™꾩 꾪žˆ μ떎ν뙣ν•쒕떎硫΄, <xref linkend=\"problem-report\"/>瑜Ό 李몄“ν•섏꽭μš”."

#: installation-howto.xml:329
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "And finally.."
msgstr "留덉§€留‰.."

#: installation-howto.xml:330
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "We hope that your Debian installation is pleasant and that you find Debian useful. You might want to read <xref linkend=\"post-install\"/>."
msgstr "μ슦由щŠ” λ떦μ‹좎˜ λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ꽕移섍°€ 利먭²곴³  λ뜲鍮꾩•덉씠 μ벝留뚰•섎떎λŠ” 寃껋„ 諛쒓껄ν•섍만 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎. μ•꾨§덈„ λ떦μ‹좎€ <xref linkend=\"post-install\"/>瑜Ό μ씫湲곕? μ›먰•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

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