debian-l10n-greek Oct 2006 by thread
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Please update debconf PO translation for the package tasksel 2.56
<Possible follow-ups>
Please update debconf PO translation for the package tasksel 2.56
Please take care of not breaking variable substitution and respect corrections made in the SVN
Christian Perrier
Imperative Note
Daren Johnson
Please update translation for the package debconf 1.5.6
Please update the translations for the dselect package
Please update debconf PO translation for the package dpkg 1.13.23~
re: relative to right now
Alexander Faris
Not be cumulative
Aurora Hendrix
Please update debconf PO translation for the package exim4 4.63-4.0
Christian Perrier
<Possible follow-ups>
Please update debconf PO translation for the package exim4 4.63-4.0
Boss Equivalent
William Labovitz
Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf 1.5.7
Chirsitan Perrier
<Possible follow-ups>
Please update debconf PO translation for the package debconf 1.5.7
Christian Perrier
Please update program translation for the package shadow 1:
Christian Perrier
FWD: Necessary news about clients
Delmar Peel
Fwd: TransactionID Ic03Ixo
Jody Edwardsd
FW: .........?
Kathy Kerry
Please really update the translation for the package exim4 in your language
Christian Perrier
Do that and him once the flicker the vampire
Lee Watson
Offices have been closed permanently
Manuel Diehl
Feel Pleasure from Introducing a great product which will make you a better, more confident man!
Iso-codes ISO-3166 translations: urgent (small) update needed for Debian Installer
Christian Perrier
[D-I Manual] Build log for el (17 Oct 2006) - ERRORS DURING BUILD
Frans Pop
[D-I Manual] Build log for el (19 Oct 2006) - ERRORS DURING BUILD
Frans Pop
Trabajo de Medio tiempo disponible
Lorenzo Farmer
The last update was on 09:27 GMT Sun Jun 23. There are 26 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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