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Re: The kdebase templates and the German translation


On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 01:19:28PM +0100, Adeodato Simó wrote:
>   I'm writing to this list in hopes that the situation of the German
>   translation for the kdebase debconf templates can be clarified.

OK, some good news and some bad news: all three translations appear to
be consistent and basically suitable, yet all three still contain some

>   We've just recevied Bug#291954 [1], "[l10n] german translation of
>   kdebase debconf messages" from Burkhard Lück.
>     [1] http://bugs.debian.org/291954

As I cannot find any further traces of Burkhard in the archives I tend
to believe this was his first work and he didn't know about the proper
procedures well enough. Nonetheless I hope he will continue, perhaps
from now on more or less loosely coordinated with the l10n-german
mailing list :)
Further hints might be taken from him setting the translation team to
the KDE l10n list and not heeding several standards the Debian
l10n-german list has previously agreed upon, so I don't think his
translation will find this list's acceptance as-is.

>   However, a translation was already included in kdebase 4:3.3.0a-1
>   (back in September 2004), and the templates had not changed in the
>   meantime. Such translation was sent in Bug#264608 [2] by Erik Schanze.
>     [2] http://bugs.debian.org/264608
>   _Still_, there was an older bug from Helge Kreutzmann, Bug#252060 [3],
>   which also contained a translation. We missed this bug when uploading
>   the translation in #264608 -- this shouldn't have happened, but that's
>   how it went. Sorry.
>     [3] http://bugs.debian.org/252060

Well, this happens. Unfortunately it happened twice, baaad KDE team
and baaad Erik :P
Seriously, though, you show best behaviour in sorting this out now.

>   I apologized to Helge in [4], inviting him to make corrections to
>   Erik's translation if necessary. If you follow the bug, you can see
>   that he did, and CC'ed Erik asking for approval, but there has been no
>   reply until now.
>     [4] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=252060&msg=23
>                                  * * *
>   So, the KDE maintainers (and, I can imagine, any maintainer) would be
>   very happy to have only one translation sent, ideally with some sort
>   of "this translation has the approval of the relevant l10n team" link.
>   This way, a straightforward action can be performed ("include the .po
>   file") without fear of incruding the "wrong" translation.

Helge already mentioned in #252060 how he thinks Erik's translation is
nice, but he added some corrections. I think those are basically
justified, but were still in need of some improvement, so I
incorporated them into a new de.po, waiting for the l10n-german list
to approve or improve.

For the sake of comparison and completeness I put all files at
<http://people.debian.org/~florian/l10n-german/>, naming the file from
the corresponding bugreport right after it, the .new file being the
version changed by me, containing the corrections previously
suggested, and the .diff containing the diff -u output.
The one I personally favor is 264608.de.po.new.

And for clarity's sake I explain why I preferred not to use "während"
but took "beim" instead: "während" is generally coupled with Genitiv,
combined with Dativ it's rather colloquial instead; but using the
correct case here sounds quite awkward in German so I tried to
circumvent that problem by using alternative phrasing.

Erik, Helge, Burkhard, others, what do you think about all this?


PS: Not CCing Helge as he's on the list.

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