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Re: Bug#291954: The kdebase templates and the German translation

* Florian Ernst [Mon, 24 Jan 2005 22:53:47 +0100]:

  Hi Florian, thanks for the follow-up.

> For the sake of comparison and completeness I put all files at
> <http://people.debian.org/~florian/l10n-german/>, naming the file from
> the corresponding bugreport right after it, the .new file being the
> version changed by me, containing the corrections previously
> suggested, and the .diff containing the diff -u output.
> The one I personally favor is 264608.de.po.new.

  OK, so this is something you have to discuss among yourselves. I'm not
  very familiarized with the l10n process in Debian, but: do you think
  it'd make sense to X-Debbugs-CC: the appropriate -l10n- list upon
  submitting INTL bugs?

  I mean, for further German translations, seeing a cc: d-l10n-g will
  allow us to know that everything is probably ok (and if not, the list
  can react), and if such cc does not exist, that we should probably
  forward the translation here first.

  Anyway, it was just an idea. If not, well, things like this happen
  and, at the pace that kdebase uploads happen, it can take a while to
  sort out. ;-)

  (I'll close Burkhard's bugs in the next days. Please submit a new one
  when you have the final translation, thanks.)


Adeodato Simó
    EM: asp16 [ykwim] alu.ua.es | PK: DA6AE621
    Listening to: Juan Perro - De un sueño malo
As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.
                -- Josh Billings

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