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Re: A few comments about Knoppix 5.1

Ronny Standtke wrote:
This seems to become a thread about nitpicking words but I try to answer anyway...
true. we shouldn't be annoying the other Debian knoppix folks
like this, but hey its the new year.....
To me "Open Source Development Model" means many things together, including free licenses, distributed development, stressed volunteers, fed up users and much more.
that's fine, because you say "to me". To me, it means
something different.

Sure, we all have varying experiences of different software packages. I would say, however, that that the correlation between "open source" and "software which has not been tested properly" is unreasonable.

So where is the big test lab?
if "open source" was a large software company,
or an organised project, that question
would make sense. But it's neither, it's a political/social
movement/attitude/economic model.
It's like asking "you people who are anti-war,
where is your reseach centre and library?". Whatever
else it is, "open source" is not a single entity.

Technically, the answer is probably "at IBM
and Sun", as very very large contributors to open source
projects :-}

Sorry about Ubuntu and your camera!


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