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Re: [debian-knoppix] Analyzing Knoppix extra stuff (Was: knoppix/bootcd like software?)

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:44:34AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> This is exactly what I think about this issue.  This whole lot of packages
> with just one script or menu entry is confusing.  While thinking about
> handling this stuff the following procedure was coming into my mind:
>    Some stuff is needed even for very basic Knoppix derivates other only
>    for KDE-Menu stuff.  To handle this we would have to solutions:
>    1. Write a tool which can be controlled by commandline options to
>       handle different needs of the target Knoppix
>    2. Create a config file via debconf which contains the relevant information
>       what should be included.

while i don't think debconf is necessary, i like the idea of a config
file though.  otherwise i can imagine the commandline becoming quite
long and ugly pretty quickly.  have you seen how pbuilder does this?

> I think we have three groups of packages at the knoppix site:
>      1. Those simple packages which should be handled as described above.
>      2. Those who just have to be packaged for Debian (marked with RFP
>         in the list below)
>      3. Those who needs comments from Klaus (marked with ! in the list
>         below)

okay.  i think that we should discuss each package before anyone actually
starts on the re-packaging though.  it may be that we've missed something
that klaus knows, or that the package can be merged into group 1.  also,
that way we don't have the same risk of duplication of effort...

> Thanks for your fine work Sean.  Find my comments to the list included and
> feel free to put this revised list in the place where I found it.

will do.  i'll look it over and see if i have anything else to say as well.


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