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Re: Desktop-profiles and CDD (Was: how create a Debian/junior user session only under Debian/Etch)

On Mon, 12 May 2008 17:19:03 +0200 (CEST)
Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> wrote:
> There is a long
> standing offer from my side to start building Debian Junior packages
> using cdd-dev which might drastically simplyfy things.  Some work
> into this direction was done by me in 2004 and is not up to date any
> more.  I injected it into CDD SVN anyway at
>      http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/cdd/projects/junior/trunk/debian-junior/?rev=0&sc=0
> and I volunteer to update them to current state in case you ask
> me to do so.  The extra advantage you would get are nice overview
> pages like
>      http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/science/tasks/   or
>      http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/edu/tasks/
> for free.

If I'm obstructing progress in the Debian Jr. project and others want
to move it forward, perhaps it's time I just step down and see where it
goes.  There is a queue of changes that are really quite simple that
need to be done to some metapackages and they are indeed showing signs
of age.  They are, as Andreas argued earlier, and I did not heed, more
trouble to maintain this way than any small advantage that might be
gained by being able to release packages individually.

The one thing that keeps me from giving it up, other than an emotional
attachment to my first Debian subproject, is that I have not seen a
clear successor to take over the reins.  What the project needs is
someone with the skill, both technically and with working with people,
vision, and energy to keep the project moving forwards.


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