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Desktop-profiles and CDD (Was: how create a Debian/junior user session only under Debian/Etch)

On Sun, 11 May 2008, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

I'm honestly not sure if you can use a .desktop file in the home

I think you can: desktop-profiles.

BTW, the debian-edu packages are using this technique and it is planed
to include support for this in the CDD framework.  There is a long
standing offer from my side to start building Debian Junior packages
using cdd-dev which might drastically simplyfy things.  Some work
into this direction was done by me in 2004 and is not up to date any
more.  I injected it into CDD SVN anyway at


and I volunteer to update them to current state in case you ask
me to do so.  The extra advantage you would get are nice overview
pages like

    http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/science/tasks/   or

for free.

Kind regards



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