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Re: Status of sbt package

Den 26.09.2019 21:29, skrev Thomas Finneid:

I am currently working on making the script work in debian unstable, using system installed packages for jdk, scala 2.11.12, ant, jline etc.
I will probably have something workign by the end of the evening.

Hi again,

I have updated the scala build script so it compiles on Debian unstable now. There are a couple of errors, so it does not run to completion yet, but most of it compiles.

The two major errors are

1- The scala library depenencies are hardcoded, so it doesnt find the correct version of them, Still it compiles, which is wierd, but wont run, mostlikely because of an AbstractMethodException or something similar. Its a bootclasspath issue again.
2- The external dependencies are not met, in this case jline.

So... getting there...


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