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Re: old version of scala

On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, Thomas Finneid wrote:

> So a Linux system that uses a jdk higher than java 6 for running scala
> code with scala 2.11, can experience unexpected faults or errors while
> running a scala program Likewise with scala 2.12, it is built and
> tested using java 8.

Then, yes, an upgrade to 2.12 should be done. Using the new --release
option in javac 11, it can be built looking as if it were using JDK 8,
but JRE 8 is not really available any more either (I believe the idea
was to ship buster without src:openjdk-8), so it has to work under
JRE 11.

> Also, scala 2.12 is built with sbt 0.13, even though sbt 1.x is
> available, Which means it also need the correct sbt version to build
> scala correctly.
> So, I want to help fix these issues for both scala and sbt and upgrade
> scala to 2.12.

Well, yes, this is a good idea in general. However, it will most
likely be way too late for inclusion in buster, unless you have
it ready AND tested with all r-deps by end of this week or so.

Otherwise someone™ should decide whether the current state of
scala should be shipped with buster at all or that it’s too
buggy and should be excluded from the release and reintroduced

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