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Re: Stretch Roadmap

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 07:56:56PM +0200, Felix Natter wrote:
> [...]
> I am using (toplevel build.gradle):
> repositories {
>   flatDir name: '/usr/share/java', dir: '/usr/share/java'
> }
> and then (<project>/build.gradle):
>   compile ':swt'
>   compile ':jcip-annotations-1.0'

That's a valid approach and I have used it in the past. However, it
would be easier to don't fight gradle and just point it to our Maven

> (of course, as you stated, it would be good to get rid of the need to
> patch all <project>/build.gradle)
> > Yes, this is what I mean. We need a helper that reuses the existing
> > helpers since Gradle usage is usually just a layer on top of Maven.
> I hope that this won't require poms for all dependencies. I.e.,
> freeplane (which uses gradle in version 1.4) depends on
> libjlatexmath-java which does not provide a pom.

Please file a bug requesting to add the missing pom in

> Sorry about my ignorance concerning maven :-/
> That said, I'd like to offer my help for this. I know quite a bit about
> gradle, as I moved freeplane from ant to gradle (including OSGi
> plugins), and we're using gradle at work.

That's good to know. Maybe we can ask you for help when we proceed to
update gradle during "stretch" development cycle.


Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at debian.org
secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at http://miguel.cc/key.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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