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Re: dh and maven

Hi Wolodja,

On 10.8.2013 12:35, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
I've just tried it and the build if working well, but it does not seem to
populate the same set of substitute variables in debian/control. In particular
the following are not used: ${maven:CompileDepends}, ${maven:DocDepends} and
${maven:TestDepends}. I haven't investigated this further so far, but I
thought that you could point me in the right direction easily.

Are these supported (yet) ? Would I have to hard-code (or implement support
for) dependencies?

I'm not very familiar with this, but from a quick glance into the code I can
deduce it's the mh_resolve_dependencies helper tool that's responsible for
filling the variables you're talking about, and I see it called during install
in maven.pm. So looks like this should be already supported.

One suspicious thing that might be the cause of the problem is that cdbs sets
arguments of mh_resolve_dependencies in maven.mk as follows:

ifneq (, $(DEB_DOC_PACKAGE))
DEB_RESOLVEDEP_ARGS += --base-directory=$(CURDIR) --non-explore

but I don't see any of --base-directory and --non-explore set anywhere in maven.pm.
Try adding them to @resolvedep_args in maven.pm in order that the helper is called
with the same arguments and see whether it helps.



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