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Re: dh and maven

Hi Jakub,

On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 20:51 +0200, Jakub Adam wrote:
> On 7.8.2013 20:35, Wolodja Wentland wrote:
> >Oh, that is great to hear. Where can I find additional information about this
> >dh based build system? I would very much prefer to use that in lieu of CDBS
> >for some new packages that use Maven.

> basically there is source code in maven-debian-helper package [1], for an example
> usage see libjavaewah-java I've already mentioned.

> In most cases it is enough to just add into debian/rules:
> dh $@ --buildsystem=maven
> debian/maven.rules etc. work the same way as in cdbs based build.

> The buildsystem is new and very few packages are using it, so there can be some rough
> edges. Please be patient and report any bugs you find.

I've just tried it and the build if working well, but it does not seem to
populate the same set of substitute variables in debian/control. In particular
the following are not used: ${maven:CompileDepends}, ${maven:DocDepends} and
${maven:TestDepends}. I haven't investigated this further so far, but I
thought that you could point me in the right direction easily.

Are these supported (yet) ? Would I have to hard-code (or implement support
for) dependencies?

Wolodja <debian@babilen5.org>

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