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Re: Bouncy Castle ready

> Please add as much details as you have now to the bug database
> http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/bugs.html
> That way the issue isn't forgotten. You can always later add more
> details if you have more time. Just make sure the instructions on how to
> repeat the issue are clear and simple to follow so someone else can try
> to reproduce it.

I went to file a bug, and was prompted to specify which version of
classpath this applied to. The choices started at .15, and I then
checked and found that .14 is the most recent version available in

I'd like to test this bug against .17, but was hoping to avoid spending
a lot of time doing so. What are the prospects of getting .17 into

I'd be glad to help out if there is anything I could do. :-)

> >  Also running with kaffe gave different
> > failures than running with sablevm and gij (all failed on the same test
> > cases, in different ways); I'm not sure quite what to think of that.
> The runtimes are probably not completely in sync. Hopefully it means
> that the runtime with the latest GNU Classpath gives the least faults.
> But it could of course be that we introduced a regression lately :{

Well, they failed on the same tests in different ways. :-)

I've attached the specific errors, by way of information. But I will
file a bug in classpath as you've suggested (once I can verify that it
is still a problem with the most recent version).


Tho tough
And rough
From wind and wave
Your cheek grows sleek
libbcprov-java for Debian

In order to use this library, add the following to your classpath:


Alternatively, the jar can be installed as an optional package by linking it
from $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.

Installing Bouncy Castle as a Security Provider

From the BouncyCastleProvider javadocs:

To add the provider at runtime use:

    import java.security.Security;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;

    Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());

The provider can also be configured as part of your environment via static
registration by adding an entry to the java.security properties file (found in
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security, where $JAVA_HOME is the location of
your JDK/JRE distribution). You'll find detailed instructions in the file but
basically it comes down to adding a line:


Where <n> is the preference you want the provider at (1 being the most

Bouncy Caslte as a Trusted Security Provider

Unfortunately, the Debian release of Bouncy Castle can not currently be used as
a trusted security provider, as the jar has not been signed by a trusted CA. We
are actively working to remedy this, and hope to support this functionality in
the future.

Regression Test Failures in Free JVMs

Currently some of the regression tests fail with certain free JVMs, as
documented here:

Kaffe version 1.1.5 fails on the following tests:

    DSA: r component wrong.
     expecting: 68076202252361894315274692543577577550894681403
     got      : 765319432306373964268376808835858013972132599654
    ECDSA 192 bit prime: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3342403536405981729393488334694600415596881826869351677613
     got      : 3187602046745097068290934305969813876101767926839540426218
    GOST3410-TEST1-512: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3e5f895e276d81d2d52c0763270a458157b784c57abdbd807bc44fd43a32ac06
     got      : 62fc273f5f22b6580150f7362f4269c3e253858acd8ee82b0eb4618d3b0f4c36
    ECGOST3410 - TEST: r component wrong.
     expecting: 29700980915817952874371204983938256990422752107994319651632687982059210933395
     got      : 11700501928114180003481645264816788532906730470190732436155925294628445009322

SableVM version 1.11.3 fails on the following tests:

    DSA: r component wrong.
     expecting: 68076202252361894315274692543577577550894681403
     got      : 746231301394742731982047691450321420276689060848
    ECDSA 192 bit prime: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3342403536405981729393488334694600415596881826869351677613
     got      : 6249833018739160226694907120521802919631748840289650662347
    GOST3410-TEST1-512: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3e5f895e276d81d2d52c0763270a458157b784c57abdbd807bc44fd43a32ac06
     got      : 24287d8a0d17fedec7c6dfd5a018a27ddcca4528a84ae7a51344715a83de2456
    ECGOST3410 - TEST: r component wrong.
     expecting: 29700980915817952874371204983938256990422752107994319651632687982059210933395
     got      : 13628253036095457453781547057345293906187223953521072753797672813397452752475

gij version 4.0.2 failed on the following tests:

    DSA: r component wrong.
     expecting: 68076202252361894315274692543577577550894681403
     got      : 746231301394742731982047691450321420276689060848
    ECDSA 192 bit prime: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3342403536405981729393488334694600415596881826869351677613
     got      : 6249833018739160226694907120521802919631748840289650662347
    GOST3410-TEST1-512: r component wrong.
     expecting: 3e5f895e276d81d2d52c0763270a458157b784c57abdbd807bc44fd43a32ac06
     got      : 24287d8a0d17fedec7c6dfd5a018a27ddcca4528a84ae7a51344715a83de2456
    ECGOST3410 - TEST: r component wrong.
     expecting: 29700980915817952874371204983938256990422752107994319651632687982059210933395
     got      : 13628253036095457453781547057345293906187223953521072753797672813397452752475

If you encounter errors with other JVMs, please report them so that they can be
documented here, and ultimately fixed upstream.

 -- Charles Fry <debian@frogcircus.org>, Mon Aug 19 18:21:08 2005

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