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Re: findjava requirement

Hallo Ben,

I have no idea, *when* my mail will arrive at the list (the last mails
took four days each :( ), but anyway...

* Ben Burton wrote:
>Right.  So when you have single command-line arguments that could
>contain spaces and/or quotes, things can become very hairy very quickly.

Yes. Bot are not needed for findjava or java-config...

>Okay.  Having not had a chance to look at the scripts yet, I thought the
>args to the java app were being passed to findjava.  If findjava will
>only ever be given a small number of arguments whose values we already
>know then this is less problematic.

findjava will take '-client' and '-server' just now. The rest will be
package names, which do not allow any of the 'funny' characters.

I'm ready with all but 'man 5 java-config-file', which I will do in a
minute. I will then upload everything to a bugreport to java-common.

There is also a first version of dh_java, which will do almost all
jobs, required by the proposed policy. Learning perl is fun as well :)
At least if you can do C&P all over...

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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