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Re: newer jikes may never get to testing (and thus stable)

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 18:28, Ean Schuessler wrote:
> I don't see that putting the wrappers in the JVM package is a good
> solution. It would be like libc6 having wrappers for a bunch of programs
> that expect libc to be in some unusual location. 

It's really flawed comparison. You really have only *one* libc6 on
a single system, so there's not much of comparable situation between
JVM(s!) and glibc.

> Eventually Kaffe will have dozens or hundreds of wrappers
What?!? What dozens? We're *probably* talking about *ONE* wrapper that
is already in the distro thought created from different source.

> in its package and would, I guess,
> depend on all of the things that it provides those scripts for.
Yes, probably. That's why I created free-java-sdk - see below.

> Actually, I can't even make sense of how it would work. I'm sure I'm
> just dense. Someone please explain the plan to me again.
:-) We probably want to make each JVM package (maintainer) responsible
for it's own "java" wrapper, which AFAIK *IS* de-fact-standard for
running java programs. The reason why we may want to do this - is the
construction of testing-migration scripts which will won't let jikes
migrate to testing if *ANY* of the JVMs for which it currently provides
the wrappers has an RC bug.

> I believe the proper solution is to more fully define the JAVA_HOME ad
I am all for JAVA_HOME. Just try:
apt-get install free-java-sdk
and look into /usr/lib/fjsdk.

> hoc standard in terms of the Debian environment and then do whatever is
> necessary to each VM to provide that standard environment. If Jikes just
> expects the JVM to have bin/java and jre/lib/rt.jar then Kaffe should
> already be there. This standard can be called debian-java or
Well - theorhetically yes. However I just lately had some conversation
with ANT maintainer (unfortunatelly discontinued :-( about why ANT
doesn't want to work with free-java-sdk.

Free-java-sdk is there exactly to provide possibly perfect JAVA_HOME
as similar to what people are used to - as possible.

> debian-java-home or whatever and packages like Kaffe can provide it.
> Since the J2SDK and J2RE packages currently provide this interface and
> Kaffe mostly provides it I would think that this is the path of least
> resistance.
Yes. But assuming that a JVM wants to provide JAVA_HOME - it needs to
also provide $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac => which maps *exactly* to the
same solution - that it's the JVM package work to privide suitable
java compiler wrapper. Right? :-)


				Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: Much too much "probably" in this mail. It'd be good to get to
some simple&robust solutions that would be just implemented.

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux http://www.debian.org

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