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Re: JAVA_HOME policy

Joe Phillips wrote:

Note that jasper2 no longer directly uses tools.jar, as it uses
ant to do all it's compiling.  Thus whatever ant.jar needs to find
tools.jar is what jasper and hence tomcat needs.

well, that's good to know that we won't be dependant on tools.jar for
jasper2-using systems.

What software uses jasper2?

Tomcat 4.1.x
Jetty 4.2.x
JBoss 3.0.>=5  3.2.x

So hopefully the tools.jar dependancy will soon be history.
Thus anything done to support it in the short term should clearly
be of a temporary nature.

well, if it's only temporary and we know it won't re-surface, there's no
need to add it to policy.

I think Andrew Pimlott's point is good - I guess the problem has
just moved to ant.  But they appear to have done a better job of
finding tools.jar themselves (Mmmm maybe that is only in their
start script?)

Jetty finds tools.jar itself based on the java.home property and
adds it to its own classloader.   All do some checking to see if
using the ant.jar directly can do the same thing.


Greg Wilkins<gregw@mortbay.com>             Phone/fax: +44 7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.          http://www.mortbay.com

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