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Re: JAVA_HOME policy

It is really jasper (the JSP engine from jakarta) that needs
tools.jar.  Tomcat is just one of several servlet containers to
use jasper.

Note that jasper2 no longer directly uses tools.jar, as it uses
ant to do all it's compiling.  Thus whatever ant.jar needs to find
tools.jar is what jasper and hence tomcat needs.

So hopefully the tools.jar dependancy will soon be history.
Thus anything done to support it in the short term should clearly
be of a temporary nature.


Joe Phillips wrote:> On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 19:36, Ben Burton wrote:

Can't say much about the tools.jar issue; I don't know what it provides and
how standardised that is.

I haven't delved too deeply into the bowels of JBOSS/Tomcat *yet* but as
I understand it, it contains the java compiler.
Here's my understanding in a nutshell, I'm happy to be
corrected/educated if I'm mistaken:

The Sun java compiler is written in java.  javac is merely a front-end
to loading and running the correct java code.

Java Server Pages are basically HTML with Java sprinkled within.  JSP
containers convert the JSP source to a servlet (.java file) and then
compile the servlet to a .class file.  The servlet is then executed
within the container.

The compile step requires a java compiler.  Servlet containers I'm
familiar with (Tomcat, jserv, JBOSS+tomcat) require an external
AFAIK, they depend on the Sun implementation.  I do not know about the
standardization.  My guess is there is no standardization between JDK
vendors.  It *seems* for Sun JDKs, at least the jarfile and class names
seem consistant.  I've never had compiler-related problems running
Tomcat across J2SDKs.


Greg Wilkins<gregw@mortbay.com>             Phone/fax: +44 7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.          http://www.mortbay.com

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