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Re: JAVA_HOME policy

On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 19:36, Ben Burton wrote:
> Can't say much about the tools.jar issue; I don't know what it provides and
> how standardised that is.

I haven't delved too deeply into the bowels of JBOSS/Tomcat *yet* but as
I understand it, it contains the java compiler.  

Here's my understanding in a nutshell, I'm happy to be
corrected/educated if I'm mistaken:

The Sun java compiler is written in java.  javac is merely a front-end
to loading and running the correct java code.

Java Server Pages are basically HTML with Java sprinkled within.  JSP
containers convert the JSP source to a servlet (.java file) and then
compile the servlet to a .class file.  The servlet is then executed
within the container.

The compile step requires a java compiler.  Servlet containers I'm
familiar with (Tomcat, jserv, JBOSS+tomcat) require an external

AFAIK, they depend on the Sun implementation.  I do not know about the
standardization.  My guess is there is no standardization between JDK
vendors.  It *seems* for Sun JDKs, at least the jarfile and class names
seem consistant.  I've never had compiler-related problems running
Tomcat across J2SDKs.

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