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Re: SUN java

>>>>> "Juergen" == Juergen Kreileder <jk@blackdown.de> writes:
    Juergen> Apropos flaming :*)

I actually expected to get flamed for saying the Redhat don't build
their own j2se packages from source the way Caldera do; guess that
recollection was correct :)

    Juergen> According to Sun it's OK to have our .deb packages on
    Juergen> Debian mirrors but debian-legal has some problems with
    Juergen> the license so they're not available from non-free.

The issue is a little more complicated than that.  The only legal
(i.e. in writing) granting of rights provided by Sun requires that any
third party idemnify Sun from damages arising out of their
distributing any j2se packages.  The challange for Debian is that
neither Debian nor Blackdown exist as legal entities, so it's
difficult to determine who shoulld be idemnifying whom.  I was
supposed to gain legal opinion on the validity of Sun's indemification
request & how best to have Blackdown relicence their j2se to avoid any
legal issues for Debian or anyone else who redistributes Blackdown's
work (think Redhat :)) but haven't managed to do so yet.


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