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Re: NBIO (Non-blocking I/O)

> Hi, Kenneth!


Boy, all of you who wanted to see how the Java package-building process
goes are sure getting to see a lot - mostly my mistakes. ;-)

I think my problem here is that the only .deb I have messed with before
was the mutt .deb, and I am beginning to understand that it does things
differently than many other debs because (I think) of the way it wants
to patch the upstream sources.  I didn't account properly for this,

I have redone my whole package using dh_make, so hopefully it will be
better now.

> - You don't have to write gcc here. It's build-essential package.
> - You don't need to use jikes when you must use j2sdk1.3. 


> - The software which depend on non-free software should go to contrib
>   section (write contrib/devel (or contrib/libs) at control file). 

I've put it in contrib/libs.

> - Debian specific files(only build_instructions.txt?) should be in
>   debian/ directory.
>   But do you know uupdate?
> - Upstream directory name seems nbio-1.4. You can build source package
>   like nbio_1.4-1.orig.tar.gz. I recommend you to use upstream name.
> - In generally, source package provide complete upstream file
>   (*.orig.tar.gz) and diff file (*.diff.gz). Why don't you provide
>   complete upstream file? Do you know dh_make which help making debian
>   pacakge? If you don't know it, please try it.

Hmm. I did not even realize I was including build_instructions.txt in my
package (it was just supposed to be "notes to self" in my top-level CVS
directory).  Oops.  As far as what it says - ignore it.  I've removed
it from the package.

The same mutt-related misunderstanding with the build instructions also
accounts for the missing *.orig.tar.gz and *.diff.gz files.  They exist
now and I think they are correct.

Everything is much clearer now that I understand how dh_make and uupdate
are my friends. ;-)

> Could you try again?

Yes. Hopefully, this time it will be closer to correct than the last
three times.  ;-)

Again, the package is at:


Thanks for your patience and all of your comments.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
Personal Homepage: http://www.skyjammer.com/~pronovic/
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
      - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 

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