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Re: Spamstats

I can't break down their sources, but yesterday I had the following stats on my home mail server (running Exim):

307 emails received by SMTP.
Of that, 96 emails rejected as spam.

I have some pre-data checks, and here are some stats about mails rejected and not in the stats above:

Rejected "Bad HELO": 27
Rejected "Forged HELO" (claimed to be my server): 2

And non-spam errors:

SMTP Timeout errors: 2
Sudden disconnect while expecting remote input: 32 Times
SMTP connection lost while reading message data: 1 Time
Failed Reverse Lookups (not necessarily rejected): 76 Times

I hope that is of some interest.


boris pavlov wrote:
seriously, does someone have own or point me out to something decent stats out there?

martin f krafft wrote:
also sprach boris pavlov <edi@elib.minfin.bg> [2007.07.04.1316 +0200]:
does someone have some stats how much (in percent) of the received spam (at his / hers servers) are direct mailing from zombies/drones/web sites etc, and how much - from broken servers/relays?

uh, is that a reply to my post?


Gavin Westwood

http://hosting.solutium.co.uk - quality, affordable web hosting.

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