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Re: More sorbs blacklisting [signed]

----- Original Message ----- From: "Micah Anderson" <micah@riseup.net>
To: "Michael Loftis" <mloftis@modwest.com>
Cc: <debian-isp@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: More sorbs blacklisting

Michael Loftis wrote:

--On June 19, 2006 9:28:06 PM +0100 John Kelly <jak@isp2dial.com> wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 06:32:54 +1000, "Mitch Sanders"
<sindows@sindows.net> wrote:

I am having issues with SORBS as welll.

It has blocked my mail domain as it thinks I have a Dynamic IP

sindows.net forward resolves to but
does not reverse resolve to sindows.net; you have no reverse dns.

That alone is enough to get your mail blocked nowadays.

Since we are talking bad blacklisting... we just got blacklisted by
Spamhaus because they felt as if the people providing us our upstream
connection weren't dealing with the spammers on their network to their
satisfaction. This meant a overly-broad block which included our class C
(they blocked a /20), even though we demonstrated to them that we do not
have a problem and actually have spam policies that we act aggressively
to enforce. Fortunately, this has been resolved, but I am surprised that
Spamhaus doesn't mind taking on some collateral damage.

I lurk also in a spam group on Yahoo. I am NOT surprised that Spamhaus doesn't mind collateral damage.

The general view is that ISP's should respond to complaints directed to them.

If not, then their upstream needs to start getting the complaints, and the spam-friendly ISP needs to have its netblock blacklisted.

If the upstream is also spam-friendly (meaning they do not act on complaints involving those downstream, or do not act aggressively enough quickly enough), then *their* upstream is notified and the spam-friendly upstream is blacklisted.

The process continues like this until the issue with the original spam-friendly ISP and any cooperative upstreams is resolved.

This *can* mean that eventually entire countries get blacklisted if the problem continues to snowball.

Personally, my settings on SpamPal protecting my personal mail account are set to block according to *all* available blacklist sources, and to further blacklist anything not originating in the US. I've finally brought my inbox under control; the spam tagged and filtered into my spam folder is fewer than a dozen pieces a week. I also report any spam not ending up in my spam folder to SpamCop (personal favorite) so that the sending ISP *does* end up on a blacklist SOMEWHERE. The collateral damage is this mailing list, but I've whitelisted lists.debian.org and it now gets to my inbox.

If you do not spam, and you agressively address spammers on your network, but your provider or upstream is spam-friendly, you need to consider either addressing it with them, or consider changing them. He who has the gold, makes the rules.

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