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Re: More sorbs blacklisting

On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 05:20:00PM -0400, Kris Deugau wrote:
> Pigeon wrote:
> > ...this kind of brings me back to what I guess was a point somewhat
> > obscured by my rambling... How does one retrieve the *definitive*
> > information as to whether an IP is static or dynamic?
> Well, there are a number of criteria.  How the IP is assigned to your 
> system when you start that network interface is one way.  However, it's 
> quickly becoming somewhat irrelevant - *many* static-IP services are 
> just set up with a one-to-one mapping of login usernames or MAC 
> addresses to IP addresses, and the IP is picked up via PPP(oE) or DHCP. 
>  (Or PPPoA which seems to be used in the UK.)
> An ISP wanting to keep customers happy should, IMO, keep the real 
> static-IP customers (whether those with real subnets of their own, or 
> "just" PPP/DHCP-assigned statics) separate from the unwashed residential 
> masses - ie, those who have no guarantee of any kind whether they'll get 
>  the same IP if they connect and disconnect several times in a row.
> > As I posted, my ISP said personally to me that my IP is in a block
> > which is "technically" dynamic.
> Which implies that you're getting an IP via PPP or DHCP, and there is 
> less formalism than might be ideal in how that IP assignment happens.

Yes, I get it from PPPoA, though I could set it statically, and the
configuration relating to my little /30 IP block I set statically.
The only reason for not setting it statically is that the default
configuration for the PPPoA connection sets up the IP and since it
works there's no point changing it.

> Can your ISP provide "real" rDNS instead of the username.adsl.whatever 
> you posted near the beginning of the thread?  (IE, if you have a domain 
> name, will your ISP put yourhost.yourdomain as the rDNS for "your" IP?)
> If not....  that's not helpful to your cause.

They will if I prove to them that I have a "real" domain.

> > **The trouble is that "whois" doesn't give any
> > information either way, so where is the definitive information held?**
> If WHOIS is ambiguous, other critera must be used.  Such as, oh, say, 
> rDNS.  And unfortunately rDNS containing ".adsl." or ".dsl." is often 
> considered "dynamic" IP space.  See my IMO above, and add to that that 
> IMO such an ISP should also indicate clearly in the rDNS that the IP is 
> static.

Ah, so we get to "considered". Hmm... :-) ...as I mentioned, all
customers of my ISP have static IPs according to their advertising and
the behaviour on disconnection/reconnection.

> > How do I get an unbiased and definitive answer as to whether it is
> > "really" dynamic or static?
> In your case....  I don't think you can

Was beginning to have unpleasant suspicions of the kind...

> unless you can convince your 
> ISP to clarify one or both of the WHOIS data for the netblock 
> (213.162.112/19 for the IP you quote above) and the rDNS, which comes 
> back completely empty for me:

I think there is some chance of that once I get a pukka domain.

> Good luck.  Look at it this way:  It's *much* easier to get off of one 
> large central blacklist like SORBS than it is to get out of millions of 
> local mail admins' local blacklist databases.

Well, that is true! Cheers.


Be kind to pigeons
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