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Re: More sorbs blacklisting

On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 10:17:38AM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> When the WHOIS contact for the IP allocation says it isn't dynamic
> and servers are allowed then that should be enough.

...this kind of brings me back to what I guess was a point somewhat
obscured by my rambling... How does one retrieve the *definitive*
information as to whether an IP is static or dynamic?

As I posted, my ISP said personally to me that my IP is in a block
which is "technically" dynamic.

However, they advertise that all their customers are given static IPs
(which is one reason why I chose them as my provider), as stated on
both these pages:

...and the behaviour of the IP is certainly "static". It's mine until
I personally apply for a different one or cease to be a customer of
the ISP.

**The trouble is that "whois" doesn't give any
information either way, so where is the definitive information held?**

How do I get an unbiased and definitive answer as to whether it is
"really" dynamic or static?

As I see it, there are two alternative possibilites for the situation:

- Either my IP is "really" static, in which case it shouldn't be listed,

- or, my IP is "really" dynamic, in which case my ISP are not
  providing the service they advertise and I have recourse to such
  organisations as the Trading Standards Authority to get them to
  provide a "really" static IP in accordance with their advertising.


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