Re: MySQL Replication problems
On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 18:56 +0100, Christian Hammers wrote:
> Hm, just give repl full rights and see if that works. If it does iterate
> down by taking away one after the other. Once you're done, file a but
> against the package telling what the error message really should have
> said :) Maybe priv_repl_client is needed? Sounds at least meaningfull..
Simple but effective :)
I enabled logging on server meg, which showed the error as a result from
"SHOW SLAVE HOSTS" issued by the client liz.
It turns out that logging in from the mysql command client from liz to
meg shows the identical error:
mysql> show slave hosts;
ERROR 1227: Access denied. You need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for
this operation
and I've now granted Repl_client_priv with the same result - I'll try
more of course :)
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