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MySQL Replication problems

Hullo :)

I'm using mysql-server 4.0.24, mostly from backports.org whose packages I 
trust :)

One test setup of single-slave replication worked perfectly, but on another 
server, I am constantly told

Mar 18 14:33:35 liz mysqld[10179]: 050318 14:33:35 Slave I/O thread: connected 
to master 'repl@meg:3306',  replication started in log 'mysql-bin.001' at 
Mar 18 14:33:35 liz mysqld[10179]: 050318 14:33:35 While trying to obtain the 
list of slaves from the master 'meg:3306', user 'repl' got the following 
error: 'Access denied. You need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for this 

The 'repl' in question on 'meg' is:

mysql> select * from user where User = 'repl' \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                 Host: liz.nation-net.com
                 User: repl
             Password: 4415ccf84a329c7c
          Select_priv: N
          Insert_priv: N
          Update_priv: N
          Delete_priv: N
          Create_priv: N
            Drop_priv: N
          Reload_priv: N
        Shutdown_priv: N
         Process_priv: N
            File_priv: N
           Grant_priv: N
      References_priv: N
           Index_priv: N
           Alter_priv: N
         Show_db_priv: N
      Repl_slave_priv: Y
     Repl_client_priv: N
           Super_priv: N
Create_tmp_table_priv: N
     Lock_tables_priv: N
         Execute_priv: N
        max_questions: 0
          max_updates: 0
      max_connections: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql_fix_privilege_tables has been run on all servers.

I have restarted the meg mysql-server as well as the usual flush 
hosts/privileges... can anyone suggest any reason why this wouldn't be 
working when Repl_slave_priv is clearly set to Y? On the working setup, the 
repl user has only the Repl_slave_priv Y - everything else is N.

It's not DNS because if I run 'host' on the source IP of liz (verified the 
source IP using tcpdump) it comes back with 'liz.nation-net.com'

Any advice warmly welcomed - this has really puzzled me!


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