Re: MySQL Replication problems
On 2005-03-18 Gavin Hamill wrote:
> On Friday 18 March 2005 15:47, Paul Hampson wrote:
> > What (if anything) is meg logging for this? The rest of the stuff looks
> > fine. Once you can see the actual command liz is trying, you can muck
> > with it in the mysqlclient until you work out what's wrong. ^_^
> meg's a dedicated MySQL machine and is our main database... so I don't log
> queries... do I *have* to restart mysqld to switch logging on or is there
> another way?
Hm, just give repl full rights and see if that works. If it does iterate
down by taking away one after the other. Once you're done, file a but
against the package telling what the error message really should have
said :) Maybe priv_repl_client is needed? Sounds at least meaningfull..
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