Re: failure notice (about
On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 11:51:16AM +1000, Jason Lim wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 10:57:35AM +1000, Jason Lim wrote:
> > > AND I REPEAT (since you didn't choose to reply to this):
> > > -------------------------------------------
> > > [blah blah blah]
> > >
> > > What do you think now?
> >
> > i think you're bring up irrelevancies. the fact that company A is doing
> > wrong is not justification for company B doing the same.
> >
> > this thread is not about what rackspace or anyone else is doing. it's
> > about osirusoft blocking IADVANTAGE.
> >
> > osirusoft's decision to block iadvantage seems to be perfectly
> > justified.
> Oh really? Then why aren't Rackspace and Sprint, for example, listed?
I don't care. if they get listed too, then good. in the meantime, i'm
happy that at least one more spamhaus or open relay is listed.
> List iAdvantage (Asian), but also list Rackspace (USA) and Telstra
> (AUS).
yes, fine. if they deserve it, they should get listed too.
> -------------------------------------------
> [ blah blah blah ]
stop repeating the same irrelevant crap as if it somehow supports your
the fact that some other ISPs support spam is NOT IN ANY WAY
justification for your ISP to support spam.
> What do you think now?
i already told you what i think in the last message. that you are
attempting to introduce irrelevancies into the argument.
> Then how come iAdvantage with a hundred or so complaints (and even
> most of those aren't complaints... read some), is listed, while
> Telstra and Rackspace with their THOUSANDS of complaints go unlisted?
i don't know and i don't give a flying fuck. i'm not joe jarad and i
don't run his RBL, so i don't presume to speak for him.
as far as i'm concerned, they're a spamhaus and/or an open relay. they
deserve to get listed. end of story. what other ISP's do is completely
and utterly irrelevant to iadvantage's listing in the osirusoft RBL.
> Obviously they are doing something far worse than iAdvantage to have
> THAT many complaints? Why be biased against iAdvantage, when it is
> obvious the above Western ISPs, and many more, are getting FAR MORE
> complaints?
could it be that they don't ever do anything about their spamming
customers? could it be that they don't ever bother responding to spam
perhaps if they bothered responding to spam complaints (or better yet,
actually terminated their spamming customers' accounts) they might get
more favourable treatment. it's their problem if they choose to
compound their error by ignoring complaints and doing absolutely nothing
to solve the problem,
> > see above. both telstra and ozemail regularly get blacklisted when
> > they deserve it. why should iadvantage be immune just because
> > they're asian and they never bother responding to spam complaints?
> > should asian ISPs be a special case, protected from the results of
> > their own cluelessness and/or greed, simply because some of the
> > sysadmins don't speak english?
> No one is saying immune.
bullshit. that's the whole point of your pathetic whinge.
> Why should Telstra, Sprint and Rackspace be immune because they are
> Western?
as has been pointed out to you at least twice in this thread, they are
NOT immune.
i'll say it again because you seem particularly thick on this point:
i know that for a fact because i've had to deal with the fallout several
times when telstra's or ozemail's (or any other largish ISP) mail
servers get blacklisted by any of the RBLs i use.
unlike iadvantage, telstra and ozemail actually do something about their
spam problem when they get listed, so they eventually get unlisted.
craig sanders <>
Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
-- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch
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